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[wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 M5 Shutdown Plans

It looks like we should have another respin later today for JEM build and plugin version changes.  The web services explorer issue also seems to be resolved, so that should be a pretty good RC build.  We are not going to do a normal smoke test on a specific driver, however, each component *should* be milestone regression testing and verifying defect fixes.  We will use the usual smoke test result page for 2.0 at for components to communicate their milestone test status and readiness to declare to M5.  As you can see from David's note below, the target is to have this finished by Wednesday EOD.


John Lanuti
IBM Web Tools Platform Technical Lead, IBM Rational
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
t/l 441-7861

----- Forwarded by John Lanuti/Raleigh/IBM on 02/19/2007 04:44 PM -----
David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/19/2007 10:49 AM

Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>

" wtp-releng" <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[wtp-releng] M5 Candidate ready for testing

There is a a build suitable for milestone testing and verification.

There will still be builds going on to fix some issues with WebService Explorer,
plus we may try to push hard and get the JEM version numbers updated.
But, I think we are close. Please verify defects and conduct testing suitable for a milestone.
Only blocking changes should be released now, to avoid destabalizing.

While the M5 build is not official due until Friday, since we are at the end of the Europa train,
we need to be pretty much wrapped up by Wednesday EOD.

wtp-releng mailing list

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