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[wtp-dev] Re: M4 Builds ready for milestone testing...M4 Shutdown Plans Update

Ok, I must have had too much egg nog last weekend.... :-)  

I declared the S build as our "integration" build, so I will be removing the S build from the downloads site because now it looks like we have declared M4.  You can pick up the S build at the committers page to do your testing.

Sorry for the mix-up.

John Lanuti
IBM Web Tools Platform Technical Lead, IBM Rational
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
t/l 441-7861

John Lanuti/Raleigh/IBM

12/18/2006 03:03 PM

M4 Builds ready for milestone testing...M4 Shutdown Plans Update

The WTP 2.0 M4 candidate build is smoked and ready for teams to start their milestone test passes.

Actions for Components:

(1) Please update your M4 milestone test coverage plans at

(2) Please update and  follow instructions on creating compatibility tests at

(3) Execute all milestone function tests and compatibilty tests on Tuesday Dec 19 and Wednesday Dec 20.

(4) Fix any critical or blocking bugs.

(5) Smoke test any final M4 candidate build respins for Friday Dec 22. Please publish a smoke test scenario link at

We will plan on waiting to announce M4 until we get an "official" update of JEM on Jan 2 or 3.  Hopefully we will still be able to declare on Jan 4th.

Please note:  As we push to shutdown for M4, the only code changes which should be released for a build are those to fix a blocking or critical defect or to fix a regression.

Any questions, let myself or David know.


John Lanuti
IBM Web Tools Platform Technical Lead, IBM Rational
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
t/l 441-7861

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