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RE: [wtp-dev] EMF2SAXRenderer?

Personally, David, I find your light-hearted comments in your emails to be a breath of fresh air, and look forward to reading them; please don't stop now.
 - Ian Trimble (Oracle)
-----Original Message-----
From: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 1:17 PM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: Re: [wtp-dev] EMF2SAXRenderer?

Yes, sorry ... I hope everyone is getting used to my twisted humor.

The "serious" part of my response, though, may deserve me repeating in a clear way.

It is better (and .. required, in many cases) that communication about our WTP code be done "in the open" whether its bugs, or a fellow committer needs some guidence.
Not only does this ensure "an equal playing field" it also grows expertise in that there might be others with same questions, or, heck .. there really might be someone other than
Chuck that knows the answer (though, I'll admit, that's unlikely when it comes to EMF2SAXRenderer! :)

So ... that's what prompted me to reply ... hope my purpose comes across as well-meaning as I intended it to.
Even though, I suspect, my sense of humor probably only makes me laugh :)

Chuck Bridgham/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/18/2006 03:57 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [wtp-dev] EMF2SAXRenderer?

Very funny David....  :)

I'm the current owner - what issues are you having?

Maybe open a bugzilla on wst.common component....

- Chuck

Rational J2EE Tooling Team Lead
IBM Software Lab - Research Triangle Park, NC
Email:  cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 919-254-1848 (T/L: 444)

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/18/2006 03:08 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-dev] EMF2SAXRenderer?


That was a pretty easy question, I hope you have another. :)

Feel free to ask here, or on wtp-wst-dev. The owner, or anyone who knows the answer, will respond.

Or ... were you volunteering to own it?

Cameron Bateman <cameron.bateman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/18/2006 02:50 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[wtp-dev] EMF2SAXRenderer?

I have a question about EMF2SAXRenderer (in wst.common.emf).   Does
anyone own this currently?

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