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[wtp-dev] Web services fixes for this week's integration build towards WTP 1.5 RC4


The following defects have been released by the Web services team for this week's WTP 1.5 integration build towards RC4.  All patches are attached to the defects and have been reviewed and tested.
127189 nor rsinha@xxxxxxxxxx rsinha@xxxxxxxxxx Create JUnit tests covering utilities related to Web serv...
127343 maj mahutch@xxxxxxxxxx kathy@xxxxxxxxxx Skeleton bean name not computed correctly when namespace ...
130755 maj kathy@xxxxxxxxxx kathy@xxxxxxxxxx Web services deployed to Geronimo disappeared after EAR i...
131132 maj mahutch@xxxxxxxxxx carljmosca@xxxxxxxxx cannot create Web Service in dynamic web project pulled f...
133714 maj joan@xxxxxxxxxx kelvinhc@xxxxxxxxxx Project creation fails in Web service ant task
141024 nor joan@xxxxxxxxxx rsinha@xxxxxxxxxx Message in Project Selection dialog gets truncated
141194 nor joan@xxxxxxxxxx yenlu@xxxxxxxxxx EJB Object Selection Dialog contains too much empty real ...
141925 nor kathy@xxxxxxxxxx kathy@xxxxxxxxxx Skeleton merge not able to handle non-default character set
142276 nor joan@xxxxxxxxxx kathy@xxxxxxxxxx EJB selection needs to be selected twice
142296 maj gilberta@xxxxxxxxxx pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx Web services Test JSPs not echoing DBCS characters
142497 nor kathy@xxxxxxxxxx kathy@xxxxxxxxxx Remove unused common-logging and log4j JARs from org.apac...
142499 maj jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx cdeadmin@xxxxxxxxxx TVT3.2:TCT439: KO: English button and label
142554 maj sengpl@xxxxxxxxxx sengpl@xxxxxxxxxx Error when configuring handlers to a Web service descript...
142635 nor gilberta@xxxxxxxxxx pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx Launch sample check box has no effect
142767 nor kathy@xxxxxxxxxx hkyleung@xxxxxxxxxx Missing files in log4j and commons logging features
143284 cri sengpl@xxxxxxxxxx kathy@xxxxxxxxxx Custom mapping being ignored

16 bugs found.


Kathy Chan
Rational Java Web Services, IBM Toronto Lab
D3-354, D3/R8V/8200/MKM, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L6G 1C7
kathy@xxxxxxxxxx, (905) 413-3022, tieline: 969-6038, fax: (905) 413-4920

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