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[wtp-dev] 1.5 Release review - need your API summary this week

WTP devs,


The PMC is preparing the 1.5 (aka Callisto) release review slides this week in preparation for the public review of our 1.5 shipworthiness.


I need your help to compile a list of:

  • New APIs introduced (or graduated out of provisional status) since our 1.0.2 release. If they are densely packed in some regions, you can summarize by class or package name.
  • APIs removed versus *any* previous version of WTP
    • If any conceptual (especially user- or adopter-visible) features have been removed, please note those in addition


Please get these to me this week so that I can compile the final version of the review slides and submit them to the EMO by Friday. Thanks for your help,




PS. Apologies if you get a duplicate of this…the Eclipse email daemon didn’t like the first attempt.


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