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[wtp-dev] Minutes for WTP Status Telecon, 2006-03-16
See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more
[1] http://eclipse.org/webtools/development/status-telecons/index.html
Amy Wu
Arthur Ryman
Chuck Bridgham
Chris Brealey
Craig Salter
David Williams
Der-Ping Chou
Jeffrey Liu
Kate Price
Kosta Komissarchik
Larry Dunnell
Lawrence Mandel
Naci Dai
Phil Avery
Rob Frost
Thomas Yip
Tim Deboer
Tim Wagner
1. Actions Items - Jeffrey Liu
Active Items
The following actions items showed some activity last week. [1]
| nor
| P3
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| [action] Create a tutorial document for facets
| nor
| P2
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Update Flexible Project Model Roadmap |
Open Items
The following action items
are currently open [2]. Action
items owners should update their status in Bugzilla prior to the status
telecon. Thx.
| nor
| P3
| PC
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| [action] Create a tutorial document for facets
| nor
| P2
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| PC
| david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Add Guidelines on Writing SCM-Friendly Code Gene...
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Document and Communicate Hot Bug Process
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Update Flexible Project Model Roadmap |
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&chfieldfrom=7d&chfieldto=Now
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
Jeff - Updates are in the bugzillas.
2. Community Update
- Lawrence Mandel
EclipseCon 2006 update.
Lawrence - EclipseCon 2006 is next week. Information available
on the WTP site and via a recommended track on the EclipseCon site.
Lawrence - Yet to received slides from Amy and John.
Chuck - Get you the slides tomorrow.
Lawrence - The WTP
EclipseCon project sprint time and place has been confirmed. The sprint
will take place on Monday, Mar. 20, from 6:30-8:30pm in room 203 at the
conference centre. Presentations from each component will take the first
45 minutes to an hour after which there will be a meet n' greet where the
community will have an opportunity to meet the committers/contributors.
Lawrence - Code clinic has low turnout last year. I suggest
one time for webtools developers Wed 11:30-13:00. Does not conflict with
any events. volunteers?
Jeff, Arthur, Kosta, Lawrence volunteered.
Lawrence - WTP logo has been selected - it should be on
the Website shortly. It is available in bug 122593
if you'd like to use it at EclipseCon.
3. Docs for Known issues
- Kate Price
I've noticed a few people adding notes
to their bugs that they'd like to see some troubleshooting added to the
docs for known issues (mainly bugs that we aren't able to resolve yet or
unexpected behavior that we can't fix). I've opened a bugzilla (https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=132214)
to deal with all of these requests in one place. Currently we just ask
people to search through bugzilla when they encounter an issue but
I'd like to add a doc to the infocenter so that users can easily search
for known issues and find a workaround.
Lawrence - These changes require rebuilds. So get them
in sooner than later.
Arthur - We should treat them like code, on the same schedule.
Tim - Agreed.
4. WTP 1.0.2 Status
Reminder: tomorrow is the last day to submit 1.0.2 hot
4.1 WTP 1.0.2 Build
Status - David Williams
David - Late getting our M build declared this week.
David - One last JUnit failure. Chuck is 99% sure it's
nothing in the code. It's probably related to workbench shutting down or
something. Still a good build to declare. Recommandation is to declare
that one.
4.2 WTP 1.0.2 Bugzilla
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.0.2/adopter-hotlist-report.html
Jeff - Updates are in the bugzillas.
5. WTP 1.5 M5 Status
5.1 WTP 1.5 M5 Build
Status - David Williams
David - Build ok, but lots of JUnit failures on the Eclipse.org
build machine, but not on other machines.
David - Even with the failure, I hope the build is good
to smoke tests with and report results by tomorrow.
Chuck - A new build just came out and that one has zero
JUnit errors.
Naci - Tried the latest build, and cannot create project.
It could be my workspace.
David - I will still ask people to smoke test and report
results since all JUnit pass.
5.2 WTP 1.5 M5 Bugzilla
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.5/adopter-hotlist-report.html
Jeff - We are out of time. Owners of these hot bugs, please
report progress in the bugzilla. Thanks.
6. Committer nomination
Tim - Voting will be opened till a week of nomination.
Arthur - Kate and Richard were nominated on Tues. Can we
plan a meeting to discuss this at EclipseCon. Usual time.
7. Other Business -
Arthur - Creation review of the AJAX
project. They will be in incubator status, just like JSF.
Arthur - Any update on permission to
host their contribution on the server?
Tim - Sent request to Bjorn. Word from
EMO, we cannot put them on the Web site or the download server, but we
can put them in bugzilla.
Lawrence - We should get Craig to introduce
himself in the project sprint.
Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software - Performance Analyst
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