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[wtp-dev] Minutes of the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-02-23
See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more
[1] http://eclipse.org/webtools/development/status-telecons/index.html
Amy Wu
Arthur Ryman
Chris Brealey
Chuck Bridgham
David Williams
Der-Ping Chou
Gorkem Ercan
Jeffrey Liu
John Lanuti
Kate Price
Kathy Chan
Keith Chong
Kosta Komissarchik
Larry Dunnell
Lawrence Mandel
Nitin Dahyabhai
Phil Avery
Rob Frost
Ted Bashor
Tim deBoer
Tim Wagner
1. Actions Items -
Arthur Ryman
Active Items
The following actions items showed some
activity last week. [1] Kudos to Jeffrey for getting the adopter breakage
scans working!
| nor
| P3
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| releng
| ---
| [action] Demonstrate Code Usage and Breakage Scanning
| nor
| P3
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| releng
| ---
| [action] Document and Communicate Hot Bug Process |
2 bugs found.
Open Items
The following action items
are currently open [2]. Action
items owners should update their status in Bugzilla prior to the status
telecon. Thx.
| nor
| P2
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| releng
| ---
| [action] Improve Test Automation
| nor
| P3
| kosta@xxxxxxx
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| jst.j2ee
| 1.5 M6
| [action] Create a tutorial document for facets
| nor
| P3
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| jst.j2ee
| 1.5 M5
| [action] Open API requests for non-API usages in WTP
| nor
| P3
| david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| website
| ---
| [action] Add Guidelines on Writing SCM-Friendly Code Gene...
| nor
| P3
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| ryman@xxxxxxxxxx
| releng
| ---
| [action] Document and Communicate Hot Bug Process |
5 bugs found.
Ted - While we're on the topic of API,
we'd like to see an update of the plans for the Flexible Project support.
Can Chuck do that?
Chuck - Yes.
[action] Chuck to update the Flexible
Project support plan for WTP 1.5 and beyond.[3] |
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&chfieldfrom=7d&chfieldto=Now
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
[3] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=129207
2. WTP 1.0.1 Status
- Jeffrey Liu
Any stop-ship problems reported? Are
we good to release WTP 1.0.1 tomorrow?
Jeffrey - All outstanding problems have
been deferred to WTP 1.0.2.
Arthur - David, please promote the release
candidate tomorrow.
David -OK. I need some more testing of
the Update Manager site. We need testing outside of the IBM network which
may be affecting the way content is mirrored. Can BEA do some testing?
TimW - Yes, but we need a few days.
3. WTP 1.5 Status
3.1) WTP 1.5 Build Status
- David Williams
David - We have a candidate I-Build.
We'll need to move up to the Eclipse M5a build. We also need to move up
to the current versions of the other prereqs prior to release of our M5.
Arthur - Please post the schedule for
moving up.
3.2) WTP 1.5 Bugzilla
Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu
Lets review (follow links on [1]):
- Unresolved P1/P2 (Excluding Hot Bugs)
- Unresolved Blocker/Critical (Exclduing
Hot Bugs)
- Unresolved Hot Bugs
Jeffrey reviewed the bugs. All developers
need to review their P1/P2, Blocker/Critical, and Hot Bugs for WTP 1.5.
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.5/adopter-hotlist-report.html
3.3) WTP Adopter Usage/Breakage
Scans [1] - Jeffrey Liu
- Which adopters have posted usage scans?
- Are we avoiding breakage?
- How are the tools working?
Jeffrey - We currently have three
usage scans in CVS. All developers should check out these scans and verify
their changes using the breakage scanner. I'll be adding the breeakage
scanner to our builds next.
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/adopters/
4. Update Manager Site
Status - David Williams
David - Use comments above
We need testing from home, outside IBM, etc.
5. WTP 1.0.2 Status
- Tim Wagner
Please review the schedule.
The PMC clarified the endgame
policy w.r.t. adopter hot list additions for the 1.0.2 release today:
today – March 24th:
adopters are welcome to submit *ship blocking* issues for consideration
on the 1.0.2 adopter hot list
March 25 – April 14th:
only stop-ship *regressions* (versus 1.0 or 1.0.1) can be added
to the hot list; 4/14 is code freeze
April 15 – April 20th:
mandatory one week cool down
April 21st:
planned 1.0.2 release date (assuming no regressions discovered during cool
Jeffrey - What about PII changes?
Arthur - Those are like UI changes and should
be avoided. |
[1] http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/wtp-dev/msg03555.html
6. Other Business -
Hot Bug Process
Arthur - Let's continue the discussion.
David - We should make better use of
bugzilla and move the discussion of Hot Bugs off the wtp-dev list.
Kosta - We are not using severity in
conformance with the bugzilla definitions. WTP works closely with adopters
so we could alter the definition of severity to allow it to indicate adopter
problems. So if we allow altered meanings of severity we could eliminate
the independent Hot Bug List.
Arthur - I wanted an independent list
to guard against adopter requests being lost. Anyone can change a
severity, priority, or alter the summary.
TimD - We should keep the info in bugzilla
can treat that as authoritative.
TimW - Are there resticted fields in
bugzilla that we could use to capture Hot Bug info in a durable way?
Arthur - I'm not aware of any. Only the
comments are write-once. Perhaps we could do some type of query on the
comments and the id of the commenter.
Ted - The weekly Hot Bug reviews are
very useful. Adopters should maintain their own lists to prevent requests
from being lost. We shouldn't worry about malicious removal
Kosta - How about using bugzilla, adding
a comment and a justification, and add nominated monitor, i.e. Jeffrey,
to the cc list?
Arthur - We are agreed that we should
make bugzilla the authoritative source of the Hot Bugs. We are timing out
now so let's let Jeffrey propose a solution on the wtp-dev list.
Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division
blog: http://ryman.eclipsedevelopersjournal.com/
phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx