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[wtp-dev] Proposal to move to Xerces 2.7.0 for WTP 0.7

For those interested in XML parsing and validation, please see and comment on bug 101752
(Investigate moving up to Xerces 2.7.0)

From the little I'll looked at it, it does no harm (save a few easy source fixes I've
already provided patches for) and *might* help (and makes use on Java 5 more
compatible, since implements JAXP 1.3).

While we haven't identified precise problems it would solve for us, there's a general
sense that it might help or might be needed. I would therefore like us to
"be prepared" to move forward, since I'd rather be "current" than releasing
an "old" version -- unless we know of specific problems with moving up.

As always ... community and committers voices rule ... so please comment on bug 101752
if you have a sense that this would be a good or a bad thing.  If we "move up" we should
do so quickly after M5 is declared to avoid any last minute surprises.

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