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Fw: [wtp-dev] M4 Candidate Rebuild in progress


Our team has verified the following defects with the 0429 20:37 M4 candidate driver:

92387 blo P3 jst.j2ee-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx Can't create a web module
93033 cri P3 mdelder@xxxxxxxxxx st.j2ee 1.0 M4 Workbench not responsive when trying to start or stop server
93019 maj  P2  kathy@xxxxxxxxxx  Launching Web Service Explorer from Webservice Wizard not...

Kathy Chan
Rational Studio Java Web Services, IBM Toronto Lab
D3-354, D3/R8V/8200/MKM, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L6G 1C7
kathy@xxxxxxxxxx, (905) 413-3022, tieline: 969-6038, fax: (905) 413-4920

----- Forwarded by Kathy Chan/Toronto/IBM on 29/04/2005 04:36 PM -----
Phillip Avery <pavery@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

30/04/2005 03:59 AM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."

"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [wtp-dev] M4 Candidate Rebuild in progress

I've verified these 2 with >  
I20050429Fri, 29 Apr 2005 -- 20:37 (-0400)

93173 maj P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx pavery@xxxxxxxxxx JSP Debugger can't find source path
93174 maj P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx pavery@xxxxxxxxxx JSP Debugger points to ".deployables" version of the .jsp

looks good to go for M4.

--- -  -   -    -     -
Phillip Avery
Structured Source Editor
919 254 8063

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/29/2005 01:48 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."

[wtp-dev] M4 Candidate Rebuild in progress

I have started a re-build to pick up fixes for these following defects. Assuming all goes well (and, when does it ever
when the timing is tight on Friday afternoon) it should be ready for download and verification around 4:30 EDT.
Teams that have verified previous build do not have to re-verify (since versions/potential side effects,etc.
were carefully checked for this rebuild) -- but originators of these bugs should verify this build.

92387 blo P3 jst.j2ee-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx pmoogk@xxxxxxxxxx Can't create a web module
93033 cri P3 mdelder@xxxxxxxxxx st.j2ee 1.0 M4 Workbench not responsive when trying to start or stop server
93173 maj P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx pavery@xxxxxxxxxx JSP Debugger can't find source path
93174 maj P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx pavery@xxxxxxxxxx JSP Debugger points to ".deployables" version of the .jsp...
93019 maj  P2  kathy@xxxxxxxxxx  Launching Web Service Explorer from Webservice Wizard not...
93156 maj  P2  csalter@xxxxxxxxxx add Schema for Schema to XML Catalog to enable content as...

While this has been painful, I appreciate everyone's last push to improve quality, and while we do still have
a number of "major" defects, its not near as many as some other top level projects that shall go unnamed :), so
we are headed in the right direction.
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