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Fw: [wtp-dev] Status of M-build candidate - Release notes

I added a release notes document for M3 and I did not see any updates to this document for M3 so i am note sure if we need one for M4. Any comments ?

Please target to have all the individual component M4 N&N pages completed by eod tomorrow as we are declaring M4 tomorrow or latest by eod Monday.


Regards, Vijay
Vijay Bhadriraju                                        
Rational Tools, J2EE Tooling              
Ph: (919) 486-1898, T/L: 526-1898    
Internet: vbhadrir@xxxxxxxxxx          

----- Forwarded by Vijay Bhadriraju/Raleigh/IBM on 04/28/2005 10:12 PM -----
Vijay Bhadriraju/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/28/2005 09:59 PM

Please respond to "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."

Re: [wtp-dev] Status of M-build candidate - New and Noteworthy details

I have created the "New and Noteworthy"  main page that links  the individual components "New and Noteworthy" (N&N) pages. This main page is called  1.0M4.html and is located in  www/webtools/development/news folder.

Component leads please release the N&N page for you component for M4 in the locations and names provided below

       ../../jst/components/j2ee/M4/news/j2ee-news-m4.html"> - J2EE and Validation

       ../../wst/components/sse/M4/news/sse-m4.html"> - Structured Source Editing

       ../../wst/components/server/M4/news/server-m4.html"> - Server Tools

       ../../wst/components/xml/M4/new_and_noteworthy/xml-m4.html"> - XML, XSD, and WSDL

       ../../jst/components/ws/M4/news/jst-ws-m4news.html"> - Web Services Tools

The above paths have been put in the main page so as soon as you release them you can test it by launching the 1.0M4.html page. We can update the main WTP page download section with the M4 N&N page probably early next week.

Please send a note to this mailing list as soon as you release the N&N for your component and i will make sure all links are working properly.

I still need to update the Build notes link to M4 build notes in the main 1.0M4.html page. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.


Regards, Vijay
Vijay Bhadriraju                                        
Rational Tools, J2EE Tooling              
Ph: (919) 486-1898, T/L: 526-1898    
Internet: vbhadrir@xxxxxxxxxx          

David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/28/2005 05:44 PM

Please respond to "General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."

[wtp-dev] Status of M-build candidate

Just to keep all informed ...

All teams are currently still verifying the build from  
I20050428 Thu, 28 Apr 2005 -- 19:21 (-0400)

In discussions with component leads and one project lead (Arthur), before declaring M4 on Friday

we've decided to continue to investigate and fix if can be done safely the following defects

92387  blo  P3  jst.j2ee-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx       Can't create a web module
92531  cri  P3   wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              InvocationTargetException/IllegalArgumentException when c...
93173  maj  P2  jst.server-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx     JSP Debugger can't find source path
93174  maj  P2  kst.server-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx     JSP Debugger points to ".deployables" version of the .jsp...

Further, if we decide to do a respin, we will pick up fixes for the following two defects,
by themselves not "blocking", but simple and safe and major enough to put in if we do another build.

93019  maj  P2  kathy@xxxxxxxxxx                 Launching Web Service Explorer from Webservice Wizard not...
93156  maj  P2  csalter@xxxxxxxxxx               add Schema for Schema to XML Catalog to enable content as...

Other M4 items to do:

      Milestone "new and noteworthy" notes
      Architecture document and "Architecture status" document
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