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[wtp-dev] Web services fix for m4 candidate respin


We've released the following Web services fix to be picked up by the next respin of the M4 candidate build (if there's going to be one).  Even though this defect does not warrant a respin by itself, we thought it would improve the quality of the m4 driver if we can fix this problem of not being able to launch the Web Services Explorer from the Web service wizard.
93019 Launching Web Service Explorer from Webservice Wizard not working

Kathy Chan
Rational Studio Java Web Services, IBM Toronto Lab
D3-354, D3/R8V/8200/MKM, 8200 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada, L6G 1C7
kathy@xxxxxxxxxx, (905) 413-3022, tieline: 969-6038, fax: (905) 413-4920

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