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Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in progress' API


> I believe it is a very common situation for a project to have code that 
is on the API track,
> but not yet ready for prime time. A naming convention would make this 
situation clear to everyone.

I'm not seeing the value of having a highly visible project-wide way of 
marking not-ready-for-primetime-stuff-that-may-become-API-some-day. This 
should be just an internal matter for the WTP teams. Why purpose does it 
serve to tell the rest of the world about this? After all, we are telling 
them quite directly not to use the internal stuff. So why tempt them (and 
us) by codifying a convention that would make it easier for them to locate 
some of the more interesting things that they should not be using :-)

I think it may also be helpful to separate WTP components from other 
non-WTP components, and look at how we realistically expect them to behave 
wrt 1.0 WTP APIs.

For non-WTP components:
- these clients are expected to use only the official WTP APIs according 
to spec
- WTP will support these APIs and evolve them in compatble ways through 
future releases
- all WTP internal packages are off definitely limits for these clients
- clients should enter feature requests for additonal APIs they would like 
to see in future WTP releases
- clients should not go jump the gun and exploit implementation details of 
WTP 1.0

For WTP components:
- these clients are expected to use the official WTP APIs according to 
- in limited and mutually agreed on circumstances, one WTP component may 
use the internals of another WTP component in order to access 
functionality that is yet to be exposed through APIs
- this not-though-API-coupling can be tolerated to the extent that all WTP 
components ship on the same schedule and are installed and used as a unit

> Because we are setting very high standards for API code, we are going to 
> WTP 1.0 with only a subset of the API defined.
> This means that adopters of WTP 1.0 may need to use non-API code.
> They do so at their own risk, since the non-API code will surely change.
> However, we want to give some guidance to adopters.
> It is far better if they use non-API code that is on the API track, 
rather than arbitrary internal code. 
When you say this, I read "adopters" as the other WTP components. Reading 
"adopters" as non-WTP components suggests that we don't think the initial 
APIs will be useful as-is for clients outside WTP. My expectation is that 
non-WTP clients would find the initial WTP APIs useful for their intended 
purpose, just not as fully-functioned as they might have liked (hopefully 
that will be improved on in future releases). I say this with a straight 
face: it should always be possible to write reasonable clients to-spec 
using the initial release of an API. If the only clients that could use 
the API are ones that will also need to subvert the API by using internals 
as well, it is unclear that any purpose is being served by revealing an 
API at this early a stage.


Arthur Ryman/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/08/2005 04:05 PM
Please respond to


Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API


The message we are trying to send is that some code is never intended to 
become API, but other code is, although it is not ready yet. Code that is 
never intended to be used outside the component is clearly "internal". 

However, we find ourselves in a paradoxical situation. Because we are 
setting very high standards for API code, we are going to ship WTP 1.0 
with only a subset of the API defined. This means that adopters of WTP 1.0 
may need to use non-API code. They do so at their own risk, since the 
non-API code will surely change. However, we want to give some guidance to 
adopters. It is far better if they use non-API code that is on the API 
track, rather than arbitrary internal code. 

As you suggest, we can certainly add documentation to the internal code 
that state it is destined to become API. However, I think it would be 
useful if we also established a project-wide naming convention to make 
this situation clear. 

I believe it is a very common situation for a project to have code that is 
on the API track, but not yet ready for prime time. A naming convention 
would make this situation clear to everyone. 

Arthur Ryman,
Rational Desktop Tools Development

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx

Jim des Rivieres/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
03/08/2005 03:39 PM 

Please respond to


Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API

Without specs, test suites, and all the other things that come with 
sustainable APIs, they can't really be considered APIs, not even 
provisional or interim ones. Using packages names with "internal.api" or 
"internal.provisional" sends a mixed message. 

I'm not sure what problem would be addressed by embedding something 
additional in the package name. 


Craig Salter/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/08/2005 03:10 PM
Please respond to


Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API

Or perhaps "internal.api.XXX".  Might be more obvious.



Craig Salter
Rational Studio XML Web Services
Internal Mail: D3/RY6/8200 /MKM 
Phone: (905) 413-3918  TL: 969-3918 FAX: (905) 413-4920
Internet: csalter@xxxxxxxxxx     Notes: Craig Salter/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

Jeffrey Liu/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
03/08/2005 03:05 PM 

Please respond to


Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API

Can we use 'internal.provisional' to indicate work in progress APIs? On 
one hand, we are saying, use these APIs at your own risk (internal 
package). On the other hand, developers that follow this mailing list will 

know that APIs inside the "internal.provisional" package have a better 
chance of becoming a real API. 


Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software - Performance Analyst
IBM Toronto Lab.
8200 Warden Ave. Markham, Ontario, L6G 1C7
Internal mail: D3/R8V/8200/MKM (D3-268)
T/L: 969 3531
Tel: (905) 413 3531
Fax: (905) 413 4920

Jim des Rivieres/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
03/08/2005 02:08 PM 

Please respond to


Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API

+1 David's comments.  If it wasn't designed as a platform-quality API, 
chances are that it will morph somewhat when the API is actually designed.

We use 'internal' in the package name to indicate that the package is not 
API and that reasonable clients should stay well clear of it. We should 
stick to this simple rule.

To help the dev teams keep track of what is truly internal from what could 

be candidate for an API, I suggest putting that information into the 
package and class/interface Javadoc.


David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/08/2005 01:23 PM
Please respond to


Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API

I've had lots of discussions with development teams, and almost all of 
them like the idea of kind of "degree of internal" naming. I think, 
however, its main value is to the development teams and those working 
*real* close to the development teams. 

But ... are we talking about released code? Or just temporary, 
within-milestone names? If the latter, then nevermind this post. If the 
former, I'd be hesitant to have a project standard, for the simple reason 
that as a project (and PMC) our promise to clients is only for the APIs 
(not "almost APIs" or "API in the future"). 

I say this partially from experience with early releases of Eclipse, and 
some statements from some of those developers of "oh, yes, we intended 
that internal package to be API in the future", but by the next release, 
the way of providing the function as a supported API was completely 
changed (rightly so) , was not a mere rename (rightly so) and caused 
upstream clients some unexpected re-work (rightly so). So, in other words, 

no matter how good our intent of "we want to make this API in the future" 
there's really no good way to predict what it would be like in a future 
release, or how much re-work from clients it would entail, once it was 
truly designed and made platform quality ... so, we have to be very 
careful to give the right message to clients that a "provisional" API is 
in no way a partial API or promise for future API. 

Having made all these cautionary remarks about correctly setting client 
expectations, I'll emphasize I think it's great that teams using something 

in addition to "internal" to make their package names more meaningful to 
themselves and their clients. 


Arthur Ryman <ryman@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
03/08/2005 12:16 PM 

Please respond to

wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, Jim des Rivieres <Jim_des_Rivieres@xxxxxxxxxx> 
wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
Re: [wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API



I think it is very useful to drawn the distinction between code that is 
truly internal and code that is on course to become API. Using 
"provisional" instead of "internal" works for me. 

Another approach might be to use something like "candidateapi" for 
candidate APIs, and then change that to "api" when the API is ready. 

Jeem - any thoughts? 

Arthur Ryman,
Rational Desktop Tools Development

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx

Craig Salter/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA 
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
03/08/2005 01:37 AM 

Please respond to


[wtp-dev] proposed package naming convention to distinguish 'work in 
progress' API


Currently we use 'internal' package names to indicate that code is not 
supported API.   I know many of us have code that is 'work in progress' 
API and though its too soon to expose this as 'fully supported API' its 
seems useful to be able to distinguish these preliminary API's from the 
rest of our our 'internal' code.  I'd like to propose that we use 
'provisional' in our package names to indicate this sort of work in 
progress API.  I think this will help our customers get a better feel for 
what parts of our code we eventually intend to promote as API and what 
parts we consider to be truly internal. 

Any opinions? 



Craig Salter
Rational Studio XML Web Services
Internal Mail: D3/RY6/8200 /MKM 
Phone: (905) 413-3918  TL: 969-3918 FAX: (905) 413-4920
Internet: csalter@xxxxxxxxxx     Notes: Craig Salter/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

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