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Re: [wtp-dev] Re: What's wrong with the builds?

I believe David's first suspicion is correct.  The third party jars are being removed too early.

I have a solution checked in so all you have to do is grab the latest org.eclipse.wtp.releng.  I've verified it on a local N-build, and these are the remaining plugins that should have errors and/or warnings.

Compile Logs (Jar Files) Errors Warnings
\plugins\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.web_1.0.0\runtime\web.jar.bin.log 0 2
\plugins\org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.webservice_1.0.0\webservice.jar.bin.log 0 1
\plugins\org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.core_1.0.0\genericserver.jar.bin.log 0 1
\plugins\org.eclipse.jst.servlet.ui_1.0.0\servletui.jar.bin.log 0 1
\plugins\\wsc-axis-ui.jar.bin.log 0 1
\plugins\\wsc-ui.jar.bin.log 17 1
\plugins\\webserviceutils.jar.bin.log 9 0
\plugins\\ws-ui.jar.bin.log 0 2
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.common.emfworkbench.integration_1.0.0\emfworkbenchedit.jar.bin.log 0 2
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.ui_1.0.0\wtp_ui.jar.bin.log 0 3
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.common.modulecore_1.0.0\modulecore.jar.bin.log 0 6
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views_1.0.0\navigator.jar.bin.log 0 1
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.workbench_1.0.0\wbnavigator.jar.bin.log 0 2
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.validation_1.0.0\validate.jar.bin.log 0 2
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.ui_1.0.0\wsdleditor.jar.bin.log 0 11
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.wsdl_1.0.0\wsdl.jar.bin.log 0 12
\plugins\org.eclipse.wst.xsd.validation_1.0.0\runtime\validatexsd.jar.bin.log 0 1

Keith Chong
Phone: (905) 413-4370    T/L: 969-4370
e-mail: kchong@xxxxxxxxxx

Naci Dai <naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/15/2005 02:43 PM

Please respond to

David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>, wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Jeffrey Liu/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Keith Chong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
[wtp-dev] Re: What's wrong with the builds?

There is one more difference.  I'll attempt to explain (I am not sure I understand it completely yet)

-The build is organized in a way that assumes the components that it needs has already been built i.e.  first wst, then wst-tests, then jst etc.  
-The way buildworks is (see feature.xml) jst says that it depend on wst.  PDE build does not include the contents of a feature build in fetch scripts.  It only fetches the plugins of a feature (not the plugins of the feature it depends on).This means that if a feature is not build yet any feature that depends on it will fail to build.

My hyphothesis is the new jst code depends on some new plugins in wst, but these plugins are not required for any wst code yet not included in the wst feature.xml.  Therefore some jst features assume that they have been downloaded and build into wst but they are not.

I will test the build see if this is the case.

At 08:15 PM 2/15/2005, David M Williams wrote:

I think its more than feature.xml files. I say this because in my development environment, I can "create ant build scripts" for JST feature, then run that build.xml as "run as ant build" and it compiles fine in my dev. env. (except for 25 compile errors, in two components).

So far as I know, only difference in doing that and a build-machine build is the map files (which result in failures, not compile time problems) and the 3rd party "grabber" scripts.

I'll be very curious to find out what else could go wrong, if not that.



Naci Dai <naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

02/15/2005 11:55 AM


David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, Keith Chong <kchong@xxxxxxxxxx>, Jeffrey Liu <jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx>


Craig Salter <csalter@xxxxxxxxxx>


Re: What's wrong with the builds?

I will look into it today.   My suspicion is that the feature.xmls are not there yet.

At 05:59 PM 2/15/2005, David M Williams wrote:

As far as I can tell, something is catastrophically wrong with the builds. And, I've exhausted my skills at debugging it.

When I have all released/head code in my development environment, there's only a few compile errors, but when the build runs on a build machine there are hundreds.

It seems to be focused on the JST components not picking up the exported WST dependancies correctly?

My first suspicion is that there's something wrong with the "3rd party jar" scripts? (jars being deleted too soon?). But, I'm not sure how

to tell.

Also, I would not rule out some problem with PDE build .... when we do this builds, is the Eclipse that's doing the build the same one that's a target?

If at all possible, the one that's "in charge" should be the old stable one (M4), and the new one (M5-) only be used as new target code.
(I only mention this since when I tried to use M5- as a dev. environment, seemed to be lots of exceptions/problems with PDE preferences).

Keith, Jeffrey, and Naci, (in that order) may I ask that you focus on this today and see if you can figure out what the problem is?

If you suspect a PDE build problem (or change in behavior?) perhaps we could involve someone from PDE team to verify if its a bug or not?

If able or not able, can you keep this notes list updated and/or update wtp-dev on what the status is?

Thanks very much,


Naci Dai,

Managing Director

eteration a.s.

Inonu cad. Sumer sok. Zitas D1-15
Kozyatagi, Istanbul 81090
+90 (532) 573 7783 (cell)
+90 (216) 361 5434 (phone)
+90 (216) 361 2034 (fax)

Naci Dai,
Managing Director

eteration a.s.

Inonu cad. Sumer sok. Zitas D1-15
Kozyatagi, Istanbul 81090
+90 (532) 573 7783 (cell)
+90 (216) 361 5434 (phone)
+90 (216) 361 2034 (fax)

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