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August 18, 2005
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 77709] Install Cloudscape (Derby) on the performance test machine bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 92531] InvocationTargetException/IllegalArgumentException when creating Dynamic Web Module bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 77561] Create the performance tests feature/map file/build configuration files bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 78216] Create performance tests for org.eclipse.wst.wsdl* bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 100309] Flexible Project Preferences missing text bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 88912] Installing web tools makes Organize Imports in the java editor not work bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 92587] Performance Logs collected from WTP M4 Scenerios bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 79051] Console error for action defined without comman: (from org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui) bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 88601] [arch] wsdl plugins should be part of ws map bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 74500] WTP do not follow eclipse naming conventions bugzilla-daemon
11:48 [wtp-dev] [Bug 79120] Server unit tests are failing in the 20041119 build bugzilla-daemon
11:46 [wtp-dev] [Bug 98738] Finish disabled on Create EnterpriseJavaBean wizard bugzilla-daemon
11:46 [wtp-dev] [Bug 93670] Missing J2EE items in Project Explorer view (J2EE Perspective) bugzilla-daemon
11:46 [wtp-dev] [Bug 93224] DBCS3.1: incorrect Show Advanced button initial state bugzilla-daemon
11:37 Re: [wtp-dev] Re: bugzilla notifications being sent to the mailing list Arthur Ryman
11:29 [wtp-dev] [Bug 106996] problem with name to define getter and setter bugzilla-daemon
11:26 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105092] Images missing from WTP technical proposals bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101198] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 98419] Web App Libraries do not keep Attached Source and Javadoc bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75935] [Search]: Search with last name returns both first names and last names in the Matching list bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105604] TVT 3.1 - TCT 476 - Currupt UTF-8 encoding in WSIL import file bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 102610] jaxb code assit bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104575] TVT 3.1 - TCT 325 - Externalize String bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104285] TVT 3.1: TCT 294 - String not externalized bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101193] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 103671] cannot edit WSDL-File bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75974] [Login]: Password for the user is not encrypted in the login screen bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105137] TVT 3.1 - TCT 350 - No hover help in Japanese or Korean bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105815] New Project: target server should drive servlet version selection bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 102989] Need to convert existing project to a J2EE project or Web Project bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101197] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104993] "IWAB0014E Unexpected exception occured" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75975] [Search]: Last name search list does not show two same last names twice. bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105140] TVT 3.1 - TCT 352 - Mneumonic Missing bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 94889] [arch] Request for API Review for M5: common.frameworks bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101196] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75937] [Login]: max-number-of-login restriction isn't met bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 95607] NoSuchMethodError when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface" bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75939] [Login] user with correct login info is not allowed to log in after logging out on third trial bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 106853] Need file extension constants bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75942] [Login] datagrid for returned search items bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75938] [Login] user with correct login info isn't allowed in when logging in on third trial bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105157] TVT 3.1 - TCT 401 - Set Type dialog box too small in Japanese bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 78062] Feature should specify a feature provider bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 102531] "Test with Web Services Explorer" is busted bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 102552] RSP - Rich Server-side Plateform bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75941] searching for a specific user by first name bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 102614] jaxb code assit bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 87365] External JARs Deleted from Tomcat Server Launch bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 90244] WTP editors ignore encoding of workspace or project bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104499] TVT 3.1 - TCT 297 - Duplicate mnemonics bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 82132] Can't open XML Source Page Editor on XML files without .xml or .xslt extensions bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105883] We need better XSLT authoring environment bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105759] The method getXxx() is undefined for the type Map bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 106958] Web App Libraries are dropped from the classpath on first start of Eclipse/WTP bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101192] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 90553] Web Tools wont open on linux with 3.1 build bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101190] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105251] Web App Libraries drag & drop does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104079] TVT: all WTP feature names are not externalized bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 103609] No "J2EE Web Project" item in wtp-eclipse-emf-gef-jem-sdk-1.0M4 bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105206] Files copied to .deployables are not refreshed bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75976] [Login]: "Remember me" option still remembers you after you logout. bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 94891] [arch] Request for API Review for M5: WST Server Component bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 106105] Could not load resource "WEB-INF/web.xml" bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104587] export ANT build file support bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 76512] installing web standard tools removes the run as ant build option bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105084] TVT3.1: tct 437- WSDL - contatenated strings bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 71222] [IBM WDT] Structured Text Editor used tabs for identation bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 78557] NPE when using Ctrl-click on xml editor bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104884] TVT3.1: TCT382- WTP-Edge of the Action and Status pane are not shown correctly. bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104286] TVT31:tct294-English string in the New Generic IBM WebSphere 6.0.X bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 106158] 100% CPU for over 3 minutes opening a directory in the Navigator view with over 2000 HTML files bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105782] TCP/IP Monitor doesn't support '-' character. bugzilla-daemon
11:21 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101191] Web Service Explorer does not work bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 77307] when building my project in WSAD 5.1.1 bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 100732] Replacement of internal webbrowser with Safari on Mac not completely nice bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 84926] Standard J2EE DTD's and schemas should be added to the XML Catalog bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 75888] Servlet bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 102964] Unable to customize web and java source directories for dynamic web app (Eclipse 3.1 + Web tools M5) bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 77298] Cannot open files, start servers, create new projects in WSAD in 5.1.1 bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 82029] can't access context root after deactivate EAR project bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 97788] New J2EE Web Project Wizard initial focus should be the project name field bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 98084] Problem with J2EE Project Explorer view (Web Tools Platform group) bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 93201] Adding multiple modules to a flex java project will only have project child descriptor nodes for the first created module bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 101010] Tomcat 5.5.4 refuses to start on Eclipse 3.1.0 bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104914] Label problem bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 78135] No icon image for new Web Project bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 77077] Web Projects appear to create a defective web.xml file bugzilla-daemon
11:19 [wtp-dev] [Bug 105885] org.eclipse.jst.common.componentcore.util.ComponentUtilities throws NullPointerException bugzilla-daemon
11:15 Re: [wtp-dev] Re: bugzilla notifications being sent to the mailing list Lawrence Mandel
11:09 [wtp-dev] Re: bugzilla notifications being sent to the mailing list John Arthorne
10:22 Re: [wtp-dev] WTP 0.7 Crashing Arthur Ryman
10:03 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104288] TVT 3.1: TCT 292: String not externalized bugzilla-daemon
10:00 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104288] TVT 3.1: TCT 292: String not externalized bugzilla-daemon
09:52 [wtp-dev] [Bug 104288] TVT 3.1: TCT 292: String not externalized bugzilla-daemon
09:45 Re: [wtp-dev] WTP 0.7 Crashing Arthur Ryman
09:22 Re: [wtp-dev] WTP 0.7 Crashing Arthur Ryman
August 17, 2005
20:13 Re: [wtp-dev] WTP 0.7 Crashing Lawrence E Dunnell
19:38 RE: [wtp-dev] FW: Arrays vs. Collections in new API Ted Bashor

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