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[wakaama-dev] Secure bootstrapping with tests/secureclient

Hi all,

Thanks to some of the people on the list, I've successfully bootstrapped the lwm2mclient ("testlwm2mclient") against wakaama's own bootstrap server.

I then proceeded with testing secure bootstrapping, with the secureclient ("testsecureclient") against leshan's bootstrap server and a separate dtls-enabled lwm2m server from leshan.

My setup is simple: The dtls client contacts the bs server, obtaining the PSK material for secure registration and communication with the lwm2m server.

I've configured the BS server to deliver the necessary credentials to testsecureclient, which then proceeds to contact and successfully register over DTLS to an external LWM2M server. I was able to accomplish bootstrapping over port 5683 for this.

Does the secureclient have the ability to perform secure bootstrapping?

I imagine it's a trivial matter to invoke secureclient with the -i and -p flags so that secure bootstrapping is done against the leshan bootstrap server. Then, the bootstrap server provides the PSK key of the actual LWM2M server to the client.

But I'm unable to discover what the identity/key combination to successfully let secureclient communicate with the bootstrap server on port 5684 is. Or in fact even where to provide this to the leshan bootstrap server!

If I should pose this question to the leshan list (since it might be an implementation-specific issue with the bootstrap server), I apologise in advance.


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