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[wakaama-dev] lwm2m client bootstrapping failure and segfaulting


I checked out the latest code from github today and compiled the bootstrap server, lwm2m server and lwm2m client for Ubuntu 15.04 desktop. Then I proceeded to simply launch all 3 in their own terminals, with default options, but with IPv4, in this sequence:

~/wakaama-master/tests/bootstrap_server$ ./bootstrap_server -4

~/wakaama-master/tests/server$ ./lwm2mserver -4

~/wakaama-master/tests/client$ ./lwm2mclient -4 -b

Using wireshark I noticed no CoAP traffic at all between the client and the bootstrap server, but after a short timeout, the client attempts to contact the lwm2m server directly (and registration fails).

After a short while, the lwm2m client segfaults like so:

lwm2m_step() failed: 0xA3
[BOOTSTRAP] restore security and server objects
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Is there something I needed to enable during compile- or run-time to get this simple set-up working? Without bootstrapping, the registration proceeds without problems.


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