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Re: [wakaama-dev] Write method format issue



1.  my wireshark is 1.12.5 (WINDOWS). Maybe a update of wireshark gets a better logging results.

2.  so write on a single resource works, perfect!


The server (and client) is an example. It shows “some” of the cores possibilities.

The servers “write” is very simple, it takes just the string as payload.

Using that you can’t write instances, because this would require the payload in

TLV format and the example server has no “json/xml or whatever textual” conversion to TLV.


To see, how transferring TLV works, you may use a read of an object instances, e.g.  “read 0 /1024/11”.


If required, you may add your own code to the server, which than creates or updates object instances.

But just for testing that, I would use “LESHAN” (search for the java LWM2M server here in eclipse).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards


Achim Kraus


Bosch Software Innovations GmbH

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