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[wakaama-dev] Small help required in wakama test client

Dear All ,
  It is wonderful to see wakama developed. I have been following it right from the days when it was called 'liblwm2m'. I have been trying to port it to embedded devices like the Arduino , Open Picus and others.

Great to see the wakama project up and running with observable properties too. I am in a process of creating a custom object with some static and dynamic resources and have a few questions on. Please help me with those. here are the problems that i am facing :
  • I have created a custom test object. But however I am not able to label the resource name like in the case of the OMA specified objects. How do i give a name for my resource ?
  • Also if i make a resource observable then its value should change. So let me take a case of getting the current time. If i make it observable , then there should be a function that is autmatically getting the current time and putting it in the resource and hence i will be able to see the time changed. As of now , only the battery level changed and that too in the client , it s called. Is there any provision to make a function call once we make a resource observable ?

Please let me know about these two

Thanks and regards

Hari Raghav

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