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[wakaama-dev] Preview PR: "cond_observe"

Hi Julien,


I just have pushed an wakaama branch “cond_observ” on top of “reg_up_plus”

at bsinno for an preview:


I am not ready at all …

And I want to improve documentation ..

… but for an first impression, I want invite you for an test.

Comments are welcome!


… good for the TestFest! J


You can do some wakaama server commands to test the functionality



LWM2M Wakaama Server:


observe 0 /1024/10/1

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 gt=10

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 lt=20

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 st=10

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 pmin=20

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 pmax=60

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 gt=10;lt=20

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 pmin=20;lt=10;st=10

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 pmax=60;lt=10;st=10

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 pmin=20;pmax=60;lt=10;st=10

//wrong format !

attrib 0 /1024/10/1 gt=A;lt=20.0


LWM2M Wakaama Client:


change /1024/10/1 9

change /1024/10/1 10

change /1024/10/1 19

change /1024/10/1 20

change /1024/10/1 21







Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards


Jörg Hubschneider


Bosch Software Innovations GmbH

CCU Framework (INST/ESY4)

Stuttgarter Straße 130

71332 Waiblingen/GERMANY


Tel. +49 (711) 811 58104

Fax. +49 (711) 811 58100



Registered office: Berlin, Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg; HBR 148411 B;

Executives: Dr.-Ing. Rainer Kallenbach, Michael Hahn


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