I want to start the discussion about configuring some of the ports opened by Virgo.
When I start/stop Virgo several times I observe the following:
N:\>netstat -a -o -n |findstr 4452
N:\>netstat -a -o -n |findstr 1092
The 8009, 8080 and 8443 ports are Tomcat’s Connectors ports. They can be configured in the tomcat-server.xml.
The 9875 port is the JMX port and it can be configured through –jmxport.
What about the ports 4971&4972 (4992&4993 from the second run)?
What I found is that these are the RMI ports used for JMX Remote connections. And they are randomly chosen every time the JVM starts. There is Tomcat documentation for what have to be done in order to
explicitly specify them to be one and the same every time. http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/listeners.html (JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener).
What do you think about introducing this functionality in Virgo?
We need to bundlize the catalina-jmx-remote.jar and to add a listener in the tomcat-server.xml