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[virgo-build] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: virgo.packaging.snapshot #15

See <>


[Borislav Kapukaranov] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.24'

[Borislav Kapukaranov] 387886 - Fixes a typo in the integration repo path

[...truncated 1725 lines...]
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


   [delete] Deleting directory <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
    [unzip] Expanding: <> into <>




[ivy:cachepath] :: Ivy 2.1.0 - 20090925235825 :: ::
[ivy:cachepath] :: loading settings :: file = <>



   [delete] Deleting: <>
   [delete] Deleting directory <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
  [s:javac] Compiling 2 source files to <>
    [junit] Testsuite: org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.smoketest.KernelStartupAndShutdownTests
    [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 46.327 sec
    [junit] ------------- Standard Output ---------------
    [junit] SLF4J: The following loggers will not work because they were created
    [junit] SLF4J: during the default configuration phase of the underlying logging system.
    [junit] SLF4J: See also
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J:
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J:
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J:
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J:
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J:
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.loader
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] SLF4J: sun.rmi.transport.tcp
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:26.998] startup-tracker              <KE0001I> Kernel starting. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:35.911] startup-tracker              <KE0002I> Kernel started. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.309] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.userregion.blueprint' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.550] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.core' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.600] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.613] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.625] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.636] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.669] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.ds' version '1.4.0.v20120112-1400'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.692] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.util' version '1.0.300.v20111010-1614'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:36.700] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing configuration 'osgi.console' version '0.0.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.737] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.core' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.742] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.746] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.762] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.764] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.765] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.ds' version '1.4.0.v20120112-1400'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.768] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.util' version '1.0.300.v20111010-1614'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.769] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed configuration 'osgi.console' version '0.0.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.780] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.userregion.blueprint' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.849] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.userregion.blueprint' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.861] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.core' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.884] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.core' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:37.889] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.707] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.732] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.740] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.746] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.775] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '1.0.0.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.778] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:38.801] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.ds' version '1.4.0.v20120112-1400'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:39.213] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.ds' version '1.4.0.v20120112-1400'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:39.226] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.util' version '1.0.300.v20111010-1614'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:39.272] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting configuration 'osgi.console' version '0.0.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:39.273] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.equinox.util' version '1.0.300.v20111010-1614'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:39.315] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.222] system-artifacts             <DE0005I> Started configuration 'osgi.console' version '0.0.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.224] system-artifacts             <DE0005I> Started plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.userregion.blueprint' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.407] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing plan '' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.475] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'osgi.enterprise' version '4.2.0.v201108120515'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.505] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '1.0.3.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.513] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.936] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'osgi.enterprise' version '4.2.0.v201108120515'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.937] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '1.0.3.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.939] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:40.941] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed plan '' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.075] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting plan '' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.082] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'osgi.enterprise' version '4.2.0.v201108120515'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.105] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'osgi.enterprise' version '4.2.0.v201108120515'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.107] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '1.0.3.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.205] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '1.0.3.RELEASE'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.227] system-artifacts             <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.230] system-artifacts             <DE0005I> Started plan '' version '3.6.0'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:41.233] sync Event Dispatcher Thread <UR0001I> User region ready. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:42.291] fs-watcher                   <HD0001I> Hot deployer processing 'INITIAL' event for file ''. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:42.543] fs-watcher                   <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:42.782] fs-watcher                   <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:42.818] fs-watcher                   <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:44:42.997] start-signalling-2           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.6.0.D-20120820130734'. 
    [junit] [2012-08-23 08:45:01.250] System Bundle Shutdown       <KE0010I> Shutdown initiated. 
    [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
[junitreport] Processing <> to /tmp/null1004244150
[junitreport] Loading stylesheet jar:file:/shared/common/apache-ant-1.8.2/lib/ant-junit.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/xsl/junit-frames.xsl
[junitreport] Transform time: 494ms
[junitreport] Deleting: /tmp/null1004244150
   [delete] Deleting: <>


   [delete] Deleting directory <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


   [delete] Deleting directory <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
    [unzip] Expanding: <> into <>

     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

     [echo] Shutting Down Virgo Server
     [echo] Shutting Down Virgo Server - waiting for http://localhost:8080/ to stop responding
     [echo] Shutting Down Virgo Server - shutdown

     [echo] Starting Up Virgo Server
     [echo] Starting Up Virgo Server - script run and waiting for response from http://localhost:8080/
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>

<>:34: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:176: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:156: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:12: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:52: Virgo Server start up failed

Total time: 13 minutes 36 seconds
[locks-and-latches] Releasing all the locks
[locks-and-latches] All the locks released
Archiving artifacts

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