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[virgo-build] Build failed in Hudson: virgo.apps.snapshot #719

See <>


[Glyn Normington] Bug 315869 - update stub of kernel interface that has changed

[...truncated 373 lines...]
     [exec]      [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [exec] :: delivering :: org.eclipse.virgo.apps#org.eclipse.virgo.apps.admin;working@hudson-slave1 :: 3.1.0.BUILD-20111202185313 :: integration :: Fri Dec 02 18:53:13 EST 2011
     [exec] 	delivering ivy file to <>
     [exec] :: publishing :: org.eclipse.virgo.apps#org.eclipse.virgo.apps.admin
     [exec] 	published org.eclipse.virgo.apps.admin to <>
     [exec] 	published ivy to <>
     [exec] 	publish commited: moved <> 
     [exec] 		to <>
     [exec] Total time: 1 second
     [echo] exec-ant for target 'jar' gave return code 0
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>

     [echo] exec-ant for target 'jar' executing in directory '<'>
     [exec] Buildfile: build.xml
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] ivy.file.exists:
     [exec] resolve.init:
     [exec] resolve.compile:
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: Ivy 2.1.0 - 20090925235825 :: ::
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: loading settings :: file = <>
     [exec] compile.init:
     [exec] jar.init:
     [exec] jar:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [exec]      [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] bundlor.init:
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: loading settings :: file = <>
     [exec] bundlor:
     [exec] [bundlor:bundlor] Manifest written to '<'>
     [exec]       [jar] Building jar: <>
     [exec]       [jar] Building jar: <>
     [exec]       [jar] Building jar: <>
     [exec] :: delivering :: org.eclipse.virgo.server#org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository.test;working@hudson-slave1 :: 3.1.0.BUILD-20111202185313 :: integration :: Fri Dec 02 18:53:13 EST 2011
     [exec] 	delivering ivy file to <>
     [exec] :: publishing :: org.eclipse.virgo.server#org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository.test
     [exec] 	published org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository.test to <>
     [exec] 	published org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository.test-sources to <>
     [exec] 	published ivy to <>
     [exec] 	publish commited: moved <> 
     [exec] 		to <>
     [exec] Total time: 6 seconds
     [echo] exec-ant for target 'jar' gave return code 0
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>
Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar

     [echo] exec-ant for target 'jar' executing in directory '<'>
     [exec] Buildfile: build.xml
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] ivy.file.exists:
     [exec] resolve.init:
     [exec] resolve.compile:
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: Ivy 2.1.0 - 20090925235825 :: ::
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: loading settings :: file = <>
     [exec] jar:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [exec]    [subant] Entering directory: <>
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] copy-dist-jar:
     [exec]      [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [exec]    [subant] Leaving directory: <>
     [exec]    [subant] Entering directory: <>
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] copy-dist-jar:
     [exec]      [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [exec]    [subant] Leaving directory: <>
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] ivy.file.exists:
     [exec] collect-additional:
     [exec] [ivy:retrieve] :: loading settings :: file = <>
     [exec]       [jar] Building jar: <>
     [exec]       [jar] Building jar: <>
     [exec] :: delivering :: org.eclipse.virgo.apps#org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository;working@hudson-slave1 :: 3.1.0.BUILD-20111202185313 :: integration :: Fri Dec 02 18:53:13 EST 2011
     [exec] 	delivering ivy file to <>
     [exec] :: publishing :: org.eclipse.virgo.apps#org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository
     [exec] 	published org.eclipse.virgo.apps.repository to <>
     [exec] 	published ivy to <>
     [exec] 	publish commited: moved <> 
     [exec] 		to <>
     [exec] Total time: 1 second
     [echo] exec-ant for target 'jar' gave return code 0
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>

    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>
Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar

     [echo] exec-ant for target '' executing in directory '<'>
     [exec] Buildfile: build.xml
     [exec] Trying to override old definition of task dist-jar
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] ivy.file.exists:
     [exec] resolve.init:
     [exec] resolve.compile:
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: Ivy 2.1.0 - 20090925235825 :: ::
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: loading settings :: file = <>
     [exec] resolve.test:
     [exec] compile.init:
     [exec] test.init:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [exec]   [s:javac] Compiling 1 source file to <>
     [exec]      [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [exec]     [junit] Testsuite: org.eclipse.virgo.apps.splash.ServerVersionControllerTests
     [exec]     [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.206 sec
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec] Total time: 10 seconds
     [echo] exec-ant for target '' gave return code 0
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>

     [echo] exec-ant for target '' executing in directory '<'>
     [exec] Buildfile: build.xml
     [exec] ivy.init:
     [exec] ivy.file.exists:
     [exec] resolve.init:
     [exec] resolve.compile:
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: Ivy 2.1.0 - 20090925235825 :: ::
     [exec] [ivy:cachepath] :: loading settings :: file = <>
     [exec] resolve.test:
     [exec] compile.init:
     [exec] test.init:
     [exec]     [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [exec]   [s:javac] Compiling 24 source files to <>
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 1. ERROR in <> (at line 18)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	import org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.artifact.plan.PlanDescriptor.Provisioning;
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] The import org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.artifact.plan.PlanDescriptor.Provisioning cannot be resolved
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 2. ERROR in <> (at line 38)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	private volatile Provisioning provisioning = Provisioning.AUTO;
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] Provisioning cannot be resolved to a type
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 3. ERROR in <> (at line 38)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	pri
     [exec] BUILD FAILED
     [exec] <>:41: The following error occurrvate volatile Provisioning provisioning = Provisioning.AUTO;
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	                                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] Provisioning cannot be resolved to a variable
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 4. ERROR in <>
     [exec] (at line 109)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	public void setProvisioning(Provisioning provisioning) {
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] Provisioning cannot be resolved to a type
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 5. ERROR ied while executing this line:
     [exec] <>:215: The following error occurred while executing this line:
     [exec] <>:26: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
     [exec] Total time: 8 seconds
     [exec] n <> (at line 110)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	this.provisioning  = provisioning;
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] Provisioning cannot be resolved to a type
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 6. ERROR in <> (at line 114)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	public Provisioning getProvisioning() {
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] Provisioning cannot be resolved to a type
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 7. ERROR in <> (at line 114)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	public Provisioning getProvisioning() {
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] The method getProvisioning() of type StubQuasiLiveBundle must override or implement a supertype method
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 8. ERROR in <> (at line 115)
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	return this.provisioning;
     [exec]   [s:javac] 	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [exec]   [s:javac] Provisioning cannot be resolved to a type
     [exec]   [s:javac] ----------
     [exec]   [s:javac] 8 problems (8 errors)
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>

<>:46: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:166: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:166: exec returned: 1

Total time: 2 minutes 11 seconds
[FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results

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