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[virgo-build] Build failed in Hudson: virgo.medic.snapshot #403

See <>


[Glyn Normington] [bug 307650] initial check-in from dm Server Virgo medic 0a647883a0176f60d8572f51c7eff591b7e408b6

[Glyn Normington] link virgo-build submodule

[Steve Powell] bug 311160: HeapDumpContributor writes to heap.err not heap.out if heap dump not possible.

[Steve Powell] [bug: 311858] Extend DumpIntegrationTests checking.

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Steve Powell] Updated version references in templates and MANIFESTs to prepare for version upgrade.

[Steve Powell] [RELEASELOR] Updated properties

[Steve Powell] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] optimise logging by avoiding cflowbelow and not logging entry/exit for getters, setters, and in repository

[Glyn Normington] avoid infinite recursion during class loading during logging

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.6'

[Glyn Normington] fix findbugs

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.8'

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.10'

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.14'

[Glyn Normington] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.15'

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.16'

[Glyn Normington] add 'incubation' to all Bundle-Name headers

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.19'

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.23'

[Glyn Normington] bug 319984: export Logback packages with Logback version and avoid using woven Logback (as it is no longer woven)

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.24'

[Steve Powell] Change level of EntryExit traces to omit INFO level -- and update tests.

[Christopher Frost] [DMS-2794] Upgrading the version of Logback and SLF4J being used

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] Adding jiras to an ignored test

[Christopher Frost] [DMS-2717] heap dump contributor will only be contributed if the framework property is set to false

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] bug 323609: avoid duplicating the default logging context unnecessarily

[Glyn Normington] update default logging configuration (even though it seems not to be used)

[Glyn Normington] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] add comment to record understanding

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.25'

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.26'

[Glyn Normington] bug 309688: obtain deadlocked thread info from the VM

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.28'

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.29'

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] bug 326030: improve medic diagnostics for appender type class loading errors

[Christopher Frost] 325728 Updating repo version after branching for 2.1.x

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] bug 326423: fix how the calling bundle is determined to avoid nested framework issues and remove the web class loading hook from the scope of the entry/exit trace aspect

[Steve Powell] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.30'

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.31'

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.32'

[Steve Powell] Bug 328047 - Remove last remaining refs to PatternLayout in logback config in medic and user-guide

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.33'

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.34'

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.35'

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.36'

[Glyn Normington] remove (incubation) from bundle names

[Glyn Normington] [RELEASELOR] Updated properties

[Glyn Normington] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.37'

[Steve Powell] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.38'

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] bug 310217: use Equinox instead of Felix for Config Admin

[Glyn Normington] Begin upgrade to Equinox 3.7. Need to upgrade to Equinox config admin before continuing.

[Glyn Normington] bug 330236: upgrade to Equinox 3.7

[Christopher Frost] Removing unnecessary source and target versions from

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.39'

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '1.41'

[Steve Powell] Remove warnings by using generics properly and suppressing deprecation warnings.

[Steve Powell] Re-built manifest; also removed redundant casts in tests.

[Steve Powell] Disable Bundlor for integrationtest project;

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.06'

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.07'

[Christopher Frost] 328123 Removed the LogDumpContributor and all references

[Christopher Frost] Missed files that had been deleted in the previous commit

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.08'

[Christopher Frost] 332000 removing dead medic code

[Dmitry Sklyut] 332000 - clean up .classpath after removal of dead medic code in b180d8bb6a61bd297d6f8a6a565c24e2283e7867

[Hristo Iliev] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.09'

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.10'

[Dmitry Sklyut] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Hristo Iliev] bug 334372: Renamed EventLog properties to remove EN locale

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Hristo Iliev] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] 332960 updating all projects to 3.0

[Christopher Frost] template updates

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] Updating the templates to 3.0

[Christopher Frost] 333071 Upgrading to equinox 3.7M5

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] Updating the virgo-build submodule to use https instead of git

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated properties

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Dmitry Sklyut] fix .classpath pointing to the wrong groupId for equinox cm bunlde

[Christopher Frost] Revert "Updating the virgo-build submodule to use https instead of git"

[Hristo Iliev] bug 337306: Message codes changed to avoid duplicate key

[Hristo Iliev] bug 337306: Reordered the messages to keep them backward compatible

[Hristo Iliev] bug 337306: Reordered the messages to keep them backward compatible

[Hristo Iliev] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Borislav Kapukaranov] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Hristo Iliev] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [UPDATE BUILDLOR] Updated Virgo Build to '2.11'

[Christopher Frost] 342716 Adding support for the OSGi LogService that backs on to the Medic system

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Glyn Normington] Bug 328033: remove entry/exit advice from hashCode(), equals(), and toString() methods

[Hristo Iliev] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] Fixing the way the LogService recieves log messages from Equinox

[Christopher Frost] Moving service registration unget to the correct place

[Christopher Frost] Plumbing in the ExtendedOsgiLogService to Medic

[Christopher Frost] Formatting improvements and more tests

[Hristo Iliev] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [RELEASELOR] Updated versions

[Christopher Frost] [VERSIONOR] Updated properties

[Glyn Normington] [RIPPLOR] Updated versions

[...truncated 1176 lines...]
     [exec]     [junit] Root: [2011-09-26 07:33:31.220] ServiceListener@1f6b69d7 Bundle org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core_3.1.0.CI-2011-09-26_07-31-32, Service 40, ServiceEvent UNREGISTERING 
     [exec]     [junit] Root: [2011-09-26 07:33:31.221] ServiceListener@1f6b69d7 Bundle org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core_3.1.0.CI-2011-09-26_07-31-32, Service 37, ServiceEvent UNREGISTERING 
     [exec]     [junit] Root: [2011-09-26 07:33:31.222] ServiceListener@1f6b69d7 Bundle org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core_3.1.0.CI-2011-09-26_07-31-32, Service 31, ServiceEvent UNREGISTERING 
     [exec]     [junit] Root: [2011-09-26 07:33:31.222] ServiceListener@1f6b69d7 Bundle org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core_3.1.0.CI-2011-09-26_07-31-32, Service 38, ServiceEvent UNREGISTERING 
     [exec]     [junit] Root: [2011-09-26 07:33:31.223] ServiceListener@1f6b69d7 Bundle org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core_3.1.0.CI-2011-09-26_07-31-32, Service 35, ServiceEvent UNREGISTERING 
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
     [exec]     [junit] Address already in use
     [exec]     [junit] 	at Method)
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at<init>(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at<init>(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.ConsoleManager.startConsole(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.ConsoleManager.startConsole(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.internalInit(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.internalStart(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.launch.Equinox.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.osgi.launcher.FrameworkBuilder.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.test.framework.OsgiTestRunner.launchOsgi(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:<!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]>
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Found binding in [bundleresource://9.fwk124350028:1/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: See for an explanation.
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
     [exec] Total time: 17 seconds
     [echo] exec-ant for target '' gave return code 0
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
[junitreport] Processing <> to /tmp/null1158658503
[junitreport] Loading stylesheet jar:file:/shared/common/apache-ant-1.8.1/lib/ant-junit.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/xsl/junit-frames.xsl
[junitreport] Transform time: 13667ms
[junitreport] Deleting: /tmp/null1158658503
   [delete] Deleting: <>


    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [copy] Copying 14 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 54 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [delete] Deleting directory <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
[javadoc.links] Generating Javadoc
[javadoc.links] Javadoc execution
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl.heap...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl.summary...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl.thread...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.impl.logback...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.impl.config...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.impl.config...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.impl.logback...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.logback...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.osgi...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.test.eventlog...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package test...
[javadoc.links] Constructing Javadoc information...
[javadoc.links] <>:28: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     private final List<ServiceRegistration<DumpContributor>> contributorRegistrations = new ArrayList<ServiceRegistration<DumpContributor>>();
[javadoc.links]                                           ^
[javadoc.links] <>:23: type org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTrackerCustomizer does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] final class DumpContributorTracker implements ServiceTrackerCustomizer<DumpContributor ,DumpContributor> {
[javadoc.links]                                                                       ^
[javadoc.links] <>:33: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public DumpContributor addingService(ServiceReference<DumpContributor> reference) {
[javadoc.links]                                                          ^
[javadoc.links] <>:39: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public void modifiedService(ServiceReference<DumpContributor> reference, DumpContributor service) {
[javadoc.links]                                                 ^
[javadoc.links] <>:42: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public void removedService(ServiceReference<DumpContributor> reference, DumpContributor service) {
[javadoc.links]                                                ^
[javadoc.links] <>:23: type org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] 	private final ServiceTracker<DumpContributor, DumpContributor> serviceTracker;
[javadoc.links] 	                            ^
[javadoc.links] <>:21: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] public final class EventLoggerServiceFactory implements ServiceFactory<EventLogger> {
[javadoc.links]                                                                       ^
[javadoc.links] <>:29: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public EventLogger getService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<EventLogger> registration) {
[javadoc.links]                                                                     ^
[javadoc.links] <>:33: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public void ungetService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<EventLogger> registration, EventLogger service) {
[javadoc.links]                                                                ^
[javadoc.links] <>:90: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] 	private volatile ServiceReference<ExtendedLogReaderService> logReaderReference;
[javadoc.links] 	                                 ^
[javadoc.links] <>:57: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     private void setPropertiesFromConfigurationAdmin(ServiceReference<ConfigurationAdmin> configAdminReference) {        
[javadoc.links]                                                                      ^
[javadoc.links] <>:18: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     static <S> ServiceReference<S> selectServiceReference(ServiceReference<S>[] serviceReferences) {
[javadoc.links]                                                                           ^
[javadoc.links] <>:18: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     static <S> ServiceReference<S> selectServiceReference(ServiceReference<S>[] serviceReferences) {
[javadoc.links]                                ^
[javadoc.links] Standard Doclet version 1.6.0_21
[javadoc.links] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
[javadoc.links] Generating <>
[javadoc.links] Copying file <> to file <>
[javadoc.links] Building index for all the packages and classes...
[javadoc.links] Building index for all classes...
[javadoc.links] Generating <>
[javadoc.links] 13 warnings
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>
   [delete] Deleting directory <>

    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
     [copy] Copying 14 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 54 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [subant] Entering directory: <>


     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>
   [delete] Deleting directory <>
    [mkdir] Created dir: <>
[javadoc.links] Generating Javadoc
[javadoc.links] Javadoc execution
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl.heap...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl.summary...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.dump.impl.thread...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.impl.logback...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.impl.config...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.impl...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.impl.config...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.impl.logback...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.logback...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.log.osgi...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.virgo.medic.test.eventlog...
[javadoc.links] Loading source files for package test...
[javadoc.links] Constructing Javadoc information...
[javadoc.links] <>:28: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     private final List<ServiceRegistration<DumpContributor>> contributorRegistrations = new ArrayList<ServiceRegistration<DumpContributor>>();
[javadoc.links]                                           ^
[javadoc.links] <>:23: type org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTrackerCustomizer does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] final class DumpContributorTracker implements ServiceTrackerCustomizer<DumpContributor ,DumpContributor> {
[javadoc.links]                                                                       ^
[javadoc.links] <>:33: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public DumpContributor addingService(ServiceReference<DumpContributor> reference) {
[javadoc.links]                                                          ^
[javadoc.links] <>:39: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public void modifiedService(ServiceReference<DumpContributor> reference, DumpContributor service) {
[javadoc.links]                                                 ^
[javadoc.links] <>:42: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public void removedService(ServiceReference<DumpContributor> reference, DumpContributor service) {
[javadoc.links]                                                ^
[javadoc.links] <>:23: type org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] 	private final ServiceTracker<DumpContributor, DumpContributor> serviceTracker;
[javadoc.links] 	                            ^
[javadoc.links] <>:21: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory does not take parameters
[javadoc.links] public final class EventLoggerServiceFactory implements ServiceFactory<EventLogger> {
[javadoc.links]                                                                       ^
[javadoc.links] <>:29: type org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration does not take parameters
[javadoc.links]     public EventLogger getService(Bundle bundle, ServicProcess leaked file descriptors. See<EventLogger> registration) {
Recording test results
Failed to send e-mail to Glyn Normington because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured
Failed to send e-mail to Dmitry Sklyut because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured
Failed to send e-mail to Christopher Frost because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured
Failed to send e-mail to Borislav Kapukaranov because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured
Failed to send e-mail to Hristo Iliev because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured
Failed to send e-mail to Steve Powell because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured

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