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[virgo-build] Build failed in Hudson: virgo.snaps.snapshot #237

See <>


[Glyn Normington] bug 352575: rework snaps integration tests configuration

[...truncated 749 lines...]
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:51.619] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.tomcat' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:51.627] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.core' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:51.654] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.core' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:51.658] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.101] system-artifacts             <TC0000I> Starting Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.131] system-artifacts             <TC0010I> Creating HTTP/1.1 connector with scheme http on port 8080. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.142] system-artifacts             <TC0010I> Creating AJP/1.3 connector with scheme http on port 8009. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.151] system-artifacts             <TC0001I> Started Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.190] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.core' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.200] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.206] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.206] system-artifacts             <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.357] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.369] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.core' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.371] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.tomcat' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.521] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.529] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.568] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.633] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.635] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.636] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.656] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.660] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.664] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.666] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.819] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.820] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.823] sync Event Dispatcher Thread <UR0001I> User region ready. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.889] main                         <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.914] main                         <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.983] main                         <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:52.988] start-signalling-1           <WE0000I> Starting web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:54.958] Thread-23                    <SN0000I> Host created for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.025] start-signalling-1           <WE0001I> Started web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.026] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.101] main                         <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.366] main                         <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.417] main                         <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.501] start-signalling-1           <SN0010I> Snap bound to path '/simple-host/simple' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.505] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.522] main                         <SN0011I> Snap unbound from path '/simple-host/simple' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.524] main                         <DE0010I> Stopping bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.528] main                         <DE0011I> Stopped bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.532] main                         <DE0013I> Uninstalling bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.541] main                         <DE0014I> Uninstalled bundle 'simple.snap' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.558] main                         <WE0002I> Stopping web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.594] main                         <SN0001I> Host destroyed for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.601] main                         <WE0003I> Stopped web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.603] main                         <DE0010I> Stopping bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.605] main                         <DE0011I> Stopped bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.608] main                         <DE0013I> Uninstalling bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.612] main                         <DE0014I> Uninstalled bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.628] System Bundle Shutdown       <KE0010I> Shutdown initiated. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:55.811] System Bundle Shutdown       <TC0002I> Stopping Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:57.848] System Bundle Shutdown       <TC0003I> Stopped Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
     [exec]     [junit] Address already in use
     [exec]     [junit] 	at Method)
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at<init>(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at<init>(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.ConsoleManager.startConsole(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.ConsoleManager.startConsole(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.internalInit(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.internalStart(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.launch.Equinox.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.osgi.launcher.FrameworkBuilder.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.test.framework.OsgiTestRunner.launchOsgi(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:<!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]>
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:<!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]>
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: See for an explanation.
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
     [exec]     [junit] Testsuite: org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests
     [exec]     [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Time elapsed: 11.486 sec
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- Standard Output ---------------
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:02:59.586] startup-tracker              <KE0001I> Kernel starting. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:01.842] startup-tracker              <KE0002I> Kernel started. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:01.982] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.tomcat' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:02.025] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.core' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:02.053] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:02.066] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.core' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:02.075] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:02.088] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:02.999] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.core' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.000] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.001] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.core' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.003] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.004] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.005] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.tomcat' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.036] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.tomcat' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.043] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.core' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.060] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.core' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.062] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.477] system-artifacts             <TC0000I> Starting Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.497] system-artifacts             <TC0010I> Creating HTTP/1.1 connector with scheme http on port 8080. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.505] system-artifacts             <TC0010I> Creating AJP/1.3 connector with scheme http on port 8009. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.508] system-artifacts             <TC0001I> Started Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.520] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.core' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.526] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.529] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.530] system-artifacts             <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.712] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.gemini.web.tomcat' version '2.0.0.M02'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.730] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.core' version '3.0.0.D-20110708103027'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.732] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.web.tomcat' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.771] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.778] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.811] system-artifacts             <DE0000I> Installing bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.843] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.845] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.846] system-artifacts             <DE0001I> Installed plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.859] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.862] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.865] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.api' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.867] system-artifacts             <DE0004I> Starting bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.989] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.core' version '3.0.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.990] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started plan 'org.eclipse.virgo.snaps' version '3.0.0'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:03.993] sync Event Dispatcher Thread <UR0001I> User region ready. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.035] main                         <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.051] main                         <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.109] main                         <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.113] start-signalling-1           <WE0000I> Starting web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.812] Thread-55                    <SN0000I> Host created for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.881] start-signalling-1           <WE0001I> Started web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.882] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.949] main                         <WE0002I> Stopping web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.972] main                         <SN0001I> Host destroyed for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.980] main                         <WE0003I> Stopped web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.982] main                         <DE0010I> Stopping bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.984] main                         <DE0011I> Stopped bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.987] main                         <DE0013I> Uninstalling bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:04.991] main                         <DE0014I> Uninstalled bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.044] main                         <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.058] main                         <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.067] main                         <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.070] start-signalling-1           <WE0000I> Starting web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.319] Thread-57                    <SN0000I> Host created for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.343] start-signalling-1           <WE0001I> Started web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.344] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.390] main                         <WE0002I> Stopping web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.411] main                         <SN0001I> Host destroyed for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.417] main                         <WE0003I> Stopped web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.418] main                         <DE0010I> Stopping bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.420] main                         <DE0011I> Stopped bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.422] main                         <DE0013I> Uninstalling bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.426] main                         <DE0014I> Uninstalled bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.473] main                         <DE0000I> Installing bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.485] main                         <DE0001I> Installed bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.494] main                         <DE0004I> Starting bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.497] start-signalling-1           <WE0000I> Starting web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.705] Thread-59                    <SN0000I> Host created for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.710] start-signalling-1           <WE0001I> Started web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:05.711] start-signalling-1           <DE0005I> Started bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.467] main                         <WE0002I> Stopping web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.525] main                         <SN0001I> Host destroyed for path '/simple-host' 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.561] main                         <WE0003I> Stopped web bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114' with context path '/simple-host'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.562] main                         <DE0010I> Stopping bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.564] main                         <DE0011I> Stopped bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.567] main                         <DE0013I> Uninstalling bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.570] main                         <DE0014I> Uninstalled bundle '' version '1.1.0.BUILD-20110721120114'. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.588] System Bundle Shutdown       <KE0010I> Shutdown initiated. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:06.779] System Bundle Shutdown       <TC0002I> Stopping Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] [2011-07-21 08:03:08.804] System Bundle Shutdown       <TC0003I> Stopped Tomcat. 
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
     [exec]     [junit] Address already in use
     [exec]     [junit] 	at Method)
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at<init>(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at<init>(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.ConsoleManager.startConsole(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.ConsoleManager.startConsole(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.internalInit(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.internalStart(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.EquinoxLauncher.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.osgi.launch.Equinox.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.osgi.launcher.FrameworkBuilder.start(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.test.framework.OsgiTestRunner.launchOsgi(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:<!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]>
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:<!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]>
     [exec]     [junit] SLF4J: See for an explanation.
     [exec]     [junit] ------------- ---------------- ---------------
     [exec]     [junit] Testcase: testHostExactMapping(org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests):	Caused an ERROR
     [exec]     [junit] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8080/simple-host/exact
     [exec]     [junit] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8080/simple-host/exact
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.RequestUtils.requestForInputStream(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.RequestUtils.assertContent(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests.testHostExactMapping(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec]     [junit] Testcase: testHostPathMapping(org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests):	Caused an ERROR
     [exec]     [junit] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8080/simple-host/path/foo
     [exec]     [junit] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8080/simple-host/path/foo
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.RequestUtils.requestForInputStream(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.RequestUtils.assertContent(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests.testHostPathMapping(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec]     [junit] Testcase: testHostJspMapping(org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests):	Caused an ERROR
     [exec]     [junit] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8080/simple-host/index.jsp
     [exec]     [junit] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8080/simple-host/index.jsp
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.RequestUtils.requestForInputStream(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.RequestUtils.assertContent(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at org.eclipse.virgo.snaps.test.HostCapabilityTests.testHostJspMapping(
     [exec]     [junit] 	at
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec]     [junit] 
     [exec] BUILD FAILED
     [exec] <>:50: The following error occurred while executing this line:
     [exec] <>:208: Tests failed
     [exec] Total time: 46 seconds
   [subant] Leaving directory: <>

<>:27: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:46: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:166: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:166: exec returned: 1

Total time: 1 minute 57 seconds
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
Failed to send e-mail to Glyn Normington because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured

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