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[viatra-dev] Aggregators addeed to master

Hi all,

today we have merged the initial support of aggregators ( to the master branch of the viatra repository. Currently, there are some known issues and remaining tasks related to this feature, but we wanted to include the base implementation to extend their use.

Some things to know:
 * Everybody using VIATRA from source has to regenerate the pattern language grammars (both of them).
 * If somebody sees an issue with existing patterns with 'count find’ constructs stating that class count cannot be resolved, make sure, PDE did not cache an earlier version of the runtime.matchers plug-in. I have seen some cases where this caused issues; an up-to-date runtime.matchers should have the required classes.

If anybody notices any issue (including bugs and possible performance regressions), please share it either here on the bug report.

Best regards,
-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Eclipse Technologies Expert
IncQueryLabs Ltd.

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