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[viatra-dev] VIATRA Transformation API - Adapter based extension framework


My name is Peter Lunk and I am a newly elected committer on the VIATRA project. At first, I'd like to express my thanks to all of you for granting me this status, I hope my contributions will prove to be useful in the future.

Under the supervision of Zoltán Ujhelyi, I have been working on a framework that enables the addition of auxiliary features to VIATRA based event-driven transformations. I have summarized the motivation and high level architecture of this framework in the following Eclipse wiki page:

In a nutshell, the framework operates in the following way:
  • Auxiliary functionalities that aid the development of event-driven transformations are implemented as a set of VIATRA transformation adapters.
    • The transformation adapters contain callback methods which will be called at certain points during the transformation.
  • These Adapters are assigned to Adapter Configurations, which represent a major use case (e.g.: transformation debugger).
  • Adapter configurations are added to an EVM Executor which will call their callback methods. (e.g.: Before the execution of a rule activation).
  • The VIATRA event-driven transformation is initialized using the Adapter Supporting EVM Executor.

In the wiki page mentioned above, I have included a number of typical use cases that can be implemented using this adapter based approach.  I would like to ask you to take a look at the project, and if you have additional use case ideas that could be useful during event-driven transformation development, feel free to share it with us, every idea will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Peter Lunk

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