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[viatra-dev] Can we update project name to 'VIATRA'?


for quite a long time, we are using VIATRA2 as a project name. However, combining it with the version number 3.x, and talking about the next generation of the VIATRA project (e.g. codenaming it as VIATRA3), this can cause quite a bit of confusion for end-users.

We had already several internal discussions related to this topic, but most solutions can be problematic. Today, István had an idea I think would be nice from both technical and marketing perspective: what if we would drop the "2" from VIATRA2, and try to name the project later as 'VIATRA'?

I will read/ask about the process required to change the project name/namespace; meanwhile if anyone has any objections, please state it.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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