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Re: [viatra-dev] Gerrit code review


I read through the resources you mentioned and I agree that Gerrit should work nicely as a code review system to get contributions accepted into our code base.

From the thread, this seems to be a good practice for deciding whether to use Bugzilla or Gerrit for discussing certain things:

+1 for introducing Gerrit into our workflow for VIATRA.

  Ábel Hegedüs

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Department of Measurement and Information Systems
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2013.10.17. 15:23:32, Ujhelyi Zoltán <ujhelyiz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


in the last two meetings we have discussed how to develop APIs collaboratively, while allowing to review the decisions/results at a later point by someone who was not part of the entire discussion.

One idea that popped into my/our heads is to try out the Gerrit code review tool already provided by

In the meanwhile, there was some long thread on cross-project-issues just about this problem (web archive here: - it was interesting for me to read, as they were arguing about the benefits and costs of using Gerrits.

What I learned from the thread:
* Some prefer to use Bugzilla attachments, as it is simpler.
* The Gerrit workflow is not always trivial
* Gerrit proponents say
* It is possible to integrate it with the build system: until it does not build, the committers do not have to review it
* The patches are available from Git, thus it is "easy" to try the changes out for developers

I also read a bit about the details:
* There is a nice introduction on (don't worry about the installation guide, that part is safe to be skipped):
* description:
* The web interface is available in with quite a few projects already participating

I believe, this might be usable, especially when handling contributions of students; however, I am not sure about the cost/benefit ratio, especially considering the issues we sometimes have with Git workflows. :)

What do you think about this?

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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