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Re: [viatra-dev] Transformation API


batch transformation statements renamed according to this pattern and added fireWhilePossible. Sadly, Eclipse wiki is down, so I cannot update the page now (but the examples are refreshed).

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2013.09.27., at 18:15, bergmann@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> 1. (Batch) Transformation Statements 
> - The name of "forall" does not reflect its most important property. We should find an alternative name. How about "forAllCurrent"?
> - As a very common use case, there should be a primitive equivalent of ALAP execution, since "until(alwaysFalse)" is awkward to read and difficult to come up with. How about "repeatedly" or even "whilePossible"?
> As an alternative, we should consider verb-like statements for firing activities, such as "fireOne" (instead of "choose"), "fireAllCurrent" (instead of "forAllCurrent" or "forall"), "fireWhilePossible" (instead of "until(alwaysFalse)" or "repeatedly"), "fireUntil" (instead of "until").

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