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[ve-dev] intro

Hi all,

Just joined this mailing list after seeing the post on the eclipse
employment newsgroups. Little background about myself - I'm gainfully
employed at Brazos County, Texas as the Senior Systems Analyst. As part
of my job I get to implement technology solutions to meet business needs
(well why else would I be employed, right!). All kidding apart, I've 1.5
years experience with Eclipse and Eclipse RCP. Started down the Eclipse
IDE path initially and then stumbled through RCP before finding my way.
I would consider my RCP skills in the near intermediate range. We've
been developing SWT and RCP apps for about a year now.

We are ready to get into configuring a continuous build environment for
our RCP apps and lo and behold the VE Project build master position is
posted. What better way than to learn from those who have gone before! I
have no clue about the PDE builder though I've done some reading in the
Eclipse help. But if the opportunity is made available to me and with
help from this group I would like to be considered as a candidate for
this role.

Please email me if you have further questions.

Senior Systems Analyst
Brazos County IT Department

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