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Re: using fewer VMs in VE [wasRE: [ve-dev] Re: Future of VE]


You could either inspect bytecodes in a custom ClassLoader, or use the ProtectionDomain and stuff to lock out System.exit() usage.

But I've used Netbeans quite a lot, and it's form designer seems to work pretty well running stuff in the same VM.

It's not as robust as the Eclipse solution, and the errors are sometimes awkward to debug, but it's not a big problem.

Certainly, I've not had a bad component crash NetBeans in 2 years of doing forms development.

Regards, Noel.

to do any cleanup or save of state. 
Very true.  on the Syste.exit issue, we could work something such that
we flag as errors running some code that contains such instructions.
For the rest, I would see how this flies in the wild: we may be
overstaing the risks of that to happen. And Eclipse is fairly tolerant
to abrupt shutdowns and crashes in most case.
That could a risk we could live with, what do you think?



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