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RE: [ve-dev] Re: Future of VE

thanks for the kind reply. That creates a real good base for looking at

Rich Kulp wrote:
>There was also another reason so many VMs. 
>Each project could be for a different JVM version or type (Sun, IBM,
etc.), so it would need a different jvm for each 
>Each project can have a different classpath. If we used Equinox (which
was not available at the time VE was first developed)  it may
>be possible to handle this. 
Makes sense. Yet I am looking at it from a different angle. What if the
base case is:
all projects are using the same VM. (or even, all project are using the
same VM as the workspace VM). The we make sure this works fast,
potentially inside a single VM. Then we can degrade and have multiple
VMs if and only if this becomes a case.
Honestly, even if this is not perfect, I could even live with a
requirement that VE can only work with workspaces projects that all use
the same VM as the workbench.

>But there is a problem with Introspection used by JEM. 
>java.beans.Introspector tries to use the classloader 
>of the class being introspected. It also tries to cache with a weak
reference to the class and classloader. 
>But there is a flaw in the logic in that the classloader and class can
never be GC'ed because the introspector 
>may use a weakhashmap on the class as the key, but the value of the map
is a GenericBeanInfo, 
>which has a HARD reference to the class through various fields. 
>So it will never go away. 
>There would need to be a cleanup mechanism need to flush the caches. 
>Unfortunately the public methods only allow flushing the entire cache 
>(including those for classes of other projects that haven't changed),
or flushing a specific class. 
>The problem with flushing a specific class is that you don't know all
of the classes 
>for the "project" that may of been introspected, even introspected as a
>So the classloader and classes would stay loaded even though no one is
using them.
> A "cheat" method would be to use reflection and get the private
>walk through the keys (which are classes) and remove those classes that
are loaded from 
>the classloaders that are "going away" on a classpath change. 
>It would need to be careful because in the future the caches may change
>but seriously I doubt it. Introspection is pretty mature and hasn't
changed in a long time. 
Introspection could help there I am sure.
Or what about that wacky idea: we now have open source java
implementations such as Harmony and Sun's itself. Maybe we could
investigate how we could use a patched VM (with all the IPzilla caveats
that would need to be adressed of course) to suit of needs.
That VM could be then pacakged to be shipped as private VM for VE only.
Sounds weird, but possible, or not?

>There are some statics that are stored in the java.lang, etc. level 
>which may interfere with each other between the different projects.
Once again, I think we could live with odd cases. I woudl rather go for
usuability for 80% of the cases, and inject some restrictions on VE
usage. What do you think?
In practice, I can see that SWT and Swing pros often do not use a visual
editor, but rather craft things by hand.
I am more concerned in terms of target user by the newbie, and the
casual UI developer.

>These are things that need to be thought  about. Though the idea of
separate classloaders is a good one. 
>JEM would need to be modified such that it understands classloaders. 
>Right now it only loads classes from the application class loader. 
>So the "class factories" would need to become "class loader" proxies
kk. Where would that be in JEM?

Big thanks to you!

"David J. Orme" <djo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
09/14/2007 09:15 AM Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

ToDiscussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
SubjectRe: [ve-dev] Re: Future of VE

Hi Philippe (et al),

First, I'm really glad to see this groundswell of support for VE!
Thanks to everyone who's picked it up.

Second, regarding having multiple remote VMs, I wanted to provide a tiny
bit of context and history on the decision to use multiple remote VMs:

We were having trouble with the remote VMs crashing on some platforms.
In this case, the startup time to restart the remote VM was obvious and
ugly.  So we decided to cache remote VMs in the background so that if
one dies we can immediately switch to a new one, then start another one
in the background.

Hope this helps,

Dave Orme 
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Robenalt <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:10:30 PM GMT-0600
Subject: [ve-dev] Re: Future of VE

Hi Philippe,

1) Nightly builds make sense, though we might want to adjust that based 
on actvity. At my day job, we use a Cruise Control build server with a 
web front end, which allows anyone who is authorized to schedule a 
build. I think it would be best to set up something like that - regular 
builds as well as on-demand. I'm not sure how much work it will be to 
set it up, but hopefully, it won't take too long.

2) I appreciate your offer to help with getting the builds going. I 
found a couple of documentation pages that helped me identify my primary

problems, but may still need help. I had planned to ping Nick Boldt 
anyway since he handles a much more complex build than that of VE.

3) I agree that committer calls and IRC or similar would be a good idea.

My only issue is that my availability is limited for IRC since my day 
job blocks all IM traffic (I'm on US Pacific time zone). My best times 
are early morning and late evening.

4) Bug triage would be a good idea; I would particularly like to measure

the number and severity of the bugs in areas of the code where we would 
be better off replacing them.

5) I also agree regarding the remote VM - we should be able to use a 
single remote VM and update its contents on demand. If the remote VM ran

Equinox as a basis, we could configure it to dynamically load and unload

plugins via remote provisioning.

There are a lot of other improvements that can be made, so I'm glad to 
see this momentum forming around VE. Also, Chris Aniszczyk is trying to 
build up some interest in focusing the next bug day on VE.
Thanks Chris!

- Steve Robenalt

ve-dev-request@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:17:39 -0700
> From: "Philippe Ombredanne" <pombredanne@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: Future of VE was [[ve-dev] Re: ve-dev Digest, Vol 31,
>         Issue 1]
> To: "'Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor
>         project'"        <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: 'Nick Boldt' <codeslave@xxxxxxxxxx>, 'Erik Hecht'
>         <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Message-ID: <060401c7f619$467cd570$0dfbfdc0@computer>
> Content-Type: text/plain;        charset="us-ascii"
> Hi Steve:
> And thank you for your detailed answer!
>> > I have spent a lot of the time since the last CVS checkin on issues

>> > related to the build of VE, to ongoing testing, and to 
>> > building a deeper  understanding of VE internals to resolve some
> runtime
>> > problems. I'm in the process of preparing a VE 1.3.0 download page,
> which will be a
>> > milestone build, rather than a true release. It will be usable with

>> > Europa, but as my platforms for testing are limited, I'd like to
>> > some feedback on its current state before deciding how much 
>> > additional work is necessary before it can be considered
> release-ready. To this
>> > end, if anyone is able to give it a serious workout on a Linux or
>> > platform and post feedback here, it would be very helpful to me.
> I think we should realease nightlies or weeklies, vene before 
> promoting to a misletone so that folks can tests it. As far as 
> building in concerned this is an area where I am comfortable, and Nick

> Boldt may be able to chip in a bit too too.
>> > Since you have already contacted me separately regarding becoming a

>> > committer, I know you are interested in helping.
> Of course! There is alareday a ptach and a link to a build there: 
> It includes the 
> patch contributed by Erik Hecht (Erik btw, could you subcribe to this 
> list and create a bugzilla account
>> > For those subscribing to this list, the project could use
> committers to
>> > help move it along at a faster pace.
> I think that getting back in a groove of making frequent builds 
> available (at the minimum monthly, to be not too ambitious) , getting 
> some scheduled committers calls and IRC meetings, and starting to do 
> some serious triage on the bugs could go a long way.
>> > In particular, since I was unable to commit 
>> > to the Europa release based on build issues at the time, I'd like
>> > make sure that VE stands a good chance of making it into the
>> > release train.
> Once again this an area where help is readily avaialble.
>> > There are lots of things that need to be done, 
>> > and since  my day job doesn't include developing VE, I need to do
> work in
>> > evening and weekend time, so it doesn't go as quickly as I would
> same here, and I think that getting an all volunteer project roaster 
> is a true blessing.
>> > There are many other uses to which VE could be put based on the 
>> > appropriate level of community involvement - anyone who would like
>> > step up and help would be welcome. If you are interested, 
>> > please respond to this mailing list (rather than directly to me)
> I'll do
>> > my best to monitor the list and respond in a timely fashion. 
> As I said, I am interested. Erik stated to me he was too. So has Nick 
> and a few others. There are also a few smaller improvements that could

> go a long long way in making VE better. One is getting rid of the 
> multi-VM-one-per-editor architecture to get to something slimmer and 
> less resource hungry.
>> > Many of the  historic VE committers have other responsibilities
> days and can't devote
>> > the time the project needs, so it is a good time for the community
> step up. Exactly. I am aalso trying to reach out to companies that 
> have adopted VE in their products. They would have a vested interest 
> in the project health. Companies like Canoo and Nokia come to mind. 
> There must be many more. Many linux and eclipse distro shipped VE, and

> I have been and will continue shipping VE in EasyEclipse at the
> -- Cheers Philippe

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