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[ve-dev] Re: ve-dev Digest, Vol 31, Issue 1

Hi Philippe,

I have spent a lot of the time since the last CVS checkin on issues related to the build of VE, to ongoing testing, and to building a deeper understanding of VE internals to resolve some runtime problems. I'm in the process of preparing a VE 1.3.0 download page, which will be a milestone build, rather than a true release. It will be usable with Europa, but as my platforms for testing are limited, I'd like to get some feedback on its current state before deciding how much additional work is necessary before it can be considered release-ready. To this end, if anyone is able to give it a serious workout on a Linux or Mac platform and post feedback here, it would be very helpful to me.

Since you have already contacted me separately regarding becoming a committer, I know you are interested in helping. For those subscribing to this list, the project could use additional committers to help move it along at a faster pace. In particular, since I was unable to commit to the Europa release based on build issues at the time, I'd like to make sure that VE stands a good chance of making it into the Ganymede release train. There are lots of things that need to be done, and since my day job doesn't include developing VE, I need to do my work in evening and weekend time, so it doesn't go as quickly as I would like.

For those who are interested in volunteering, it helps to have a background in the prerequisite technologies, principally EMF, GEF, and JEM. It would be helpful if you've built VE in a local environment, as Erik Hecht has done, even more so if you've fixed a bug, updated an override file, or implemented new functionality. For some of the potential Ganymede timeframe work, it would also help to have some background with any of the following: EMFT, JET2, JFace databinding, platform debug and launch APIs, ECF, RCP development, and JSR 295 and 296 (Swing databinding and app framework). While none of these technologies have been defined as actual projects yet, they all can play a part in what VE will become if given the attention it deserves.

There are many other uses to which VE could be put based on the appropriate level of community involvement - anyone who would like to step up and help would be welcome. If you are interested, please respond to this mailing list (rather than directly to me) and I'll do my best to monitor the list and respond in a timely fashion. Many of the historic VE committers have other responsibilities these days and can't devote the time the project needs, so it is a good time for the community to step up.

Steve Robenalt

ve-dev-request@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I was wondering if anyone is ready to comment on the future of the
The last commit was on Mat 31st 2007.
This would really be a shame to let it die!

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