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[ve-dev] IContainmentHandler and IConstraintHandler

Hi VE Team,

In VE 1.1:

1. I was defining creation policy in override file to set title on Frame,
text on button etc. on drop on the canvas.

2. For resize on drop, I  had a IConstraintHandler implementation in
ULCComponentGraphicalEditPart to contributSizeCommand() etc. The
getAdapter() method of ULCComponentGraphicalEditpart used to return that

In VE 1.2:

I now define:

1. ULCVEContainmentHandler extends AbstractComponentModelContainmentHandler
which is specified in override as :


    This class now sets title on Frame, text on button etc. on drop on the

2. Now when I resize on drop, VE expects this class to
contributeSizeCommand(). My old IConstraintHandler in
ULCComponetGraphicalEditPart is not called any more.


1.Should I now implement all the methods of IConstrainHandler in

Basically the same class implements IContainmentHandler and
IConstraintHandler. Is this correct?

2. What should I now return in ULCComponentGraphicalEditPart.getAdapter()
for IConstraintHandler?

Thanks and regards,


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