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Re: [ve-dev] Problem while porting to VE 1.2

Hi Janak,

If there was '+' that meant that there was a beaninfo for it, or it followed the standard beaninfo patterns (i.e. name of getter/setters are correctly named).

If there is only a getter, but no setter, then the property is read-only and so it won't show unless the "Read-Only" preference was selected for the property sheet.

If there was a property descriptor defined for the containment and it was marked as not expandable then there wouldn't be any '+'.

To see why there is no '+' sign put a breakpoint on to debug why no '+'. However be aware this is called for all property sheet entries so it may take some weeding out until you get to the property of interest.


"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/03/2006 01:23 PM

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"ve-Dev@Eclipse. Org" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[ve-dev] Problem while porting to VE 1.2

Hi VE Team,

I am porting ULC VE to VE 1.2.

I am facing the following problem:

I have defined a structural feature called "containment" on ULCComponent.

When a ULCComponent is added to a ULCContainer such as ULCBoxPane, we set a
Java Object as value of the "containment" SF.

This Java Object has all the attributes related to its containment in the
container. For insatnce, for a ULCBoxPane it will have a instance of class
that has attrs like row, column, hspan, vspan, alignment. For tabbed pane it
will have an instance of class that has title, icon, tooltiptext.

When a component is contained in a container, the "containment" SF appears
in the property sheet

With VE 1.1, in the property sheet, the "containment" SF appeared with a +
sign and on expansion it displayed its attributes which could be edited.

In VE 1.2, the "containment" SF does not show the "+" sign and therefore it
is not possible expand it and edit its attributes.

Could you please tell me what has changed? What is affecting this behaviour?

Thanks and regards,


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