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RE: [ve-dev] VE in PDE

Hi Rich,

Please bear with me. My development set up has been badly affected.

It is not clear which plugins (binary linked) to import in the work space
and which ones not.

For instance I have two projects (not plug in projects): ulcvebeaninfo and
ulcvevm which require jfcbeaninfo.jar and jfcvm.jar respectively. Now these
jar files are within plugin jar. So uncless I import that
plugin in my workspace I cannot access the above two jar files (unless
ofcourse I extract them from the plugin jar and copy them in those

But, if I import plugins in my workspace then there is a problem that
certain classes are not found by the VM or workbench.

So how to solve this problem? Could you tell me which plugins I should
import and which ones not?

Thanks and regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 6:24 PM
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: RE: [ve-dev] VE in PDE


As long as VE is installed in the target plaform
(Window->Preferences->Plugin Development->Target Platform) then the plugins
are available as if they had been imported.


"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
07/10/2006 12:16 PM Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

To"Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project"
SubjectRE: [ve-dev] VE in PDE

Hi Rich,

Previously, we used to import VE, GEF, EMF plug-ins in the work space as
binary projects with linked contents.

ULC VE depends on these plug-ins so they used to be on the Build Path and
ULC VE compiled.

Morover all the plug-ins in the workspace were specified to be loaded in the
workbench hence they were available to the target VM.

So the question is how do we set up the Plug-In Developement Environment

1. How do we specify VE plug-ins to be in the build path of ULC VE plugin?
Since they are not imported in the workspace do we then include each jar
file explcitly?

2. How do we specify VE plugins to be laoded into the workbench now that
they are not imported in the workspace.

Moreover, because VE plugins should not be in the workspace, browsing of VE
code becomes diffcult: How do we open a particular override file or a class
file by browsing through package explorer etc.

Basically I need help with setting up the development environment a new.

Thanks and regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 4:42 PM
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: RE: [ve-dev] VE in PDE


That's the major difference in packaging between the two.  It seems to be
having trouble finding the classes to give to the remote vm or to compile
for templates when the plugins are imported. We just haven't had the time to
figure out why since it can work if you don't import.


"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
07/10/2006 10:39 AM
Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

To"Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project"
SubjectRE: [ve-dev] VE in PDE

Hi Rich,

This is different from VE 1.1/Eclipse 3.1.

In all earlier VE/Eclipse versions we alway imported plug-ins in the
workspace and it used to work.

So what has changed between 1.1/3.1 and 1.2/3.2 is the way plug-ins are
packaged (dir v/s jars). Is this reight?

Thanks and regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Rich Kulp
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 4:20 PM
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: Re: [ve-dev] VE in PDE


Don't import the plugins. Just make sure they are in the PDE's target
platform. We haven't done any testing with it imported like that. I think it
has to do with the fact that the plugins are packaged as jars instead of
directories. It can't find some of the necessary files if the plugins are

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