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RE: [ve-dev] No Write JCMMethod found warning

Hi Sri,
Should this decoder extend AbstractExpressionDecoder? And then should I override  generate() method to return null and mark the _expression_ as STATE_NO_SRC?
Is this all or there is need to do more?
Thanks and regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Srimanth Gunturi
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:49 PM
To: Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project
Subject: RE: [ve-dev] No Write JCMMethod found warning

Hi Janak,
        Since this is something specific to ULCComponent and not with base java core, it would
be better to create a special decoder for ULCComponent, which when it sees the 'containment'
SF would return null as the source, and mark the _expression_ in the state 'NO_SOURCE'
(CodeExpressionRef.STATE_NO_SRC) so that codegen doesnt try to update the document etc. with it.

"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/24/2006 03:17 PM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [ve-dev] No Write JCMMethod found warning

Hi Rich, Sri,

I am not using any special decoder for ULCComponent (we have special decoder
for ULCContainers though).

As you said:

"The problem is you are dropping somewhere into standard decoders that
expect java objects to be in a member container. You will have to bypass

I guess, one way to do it would be to specify "containment" SF in ignoreSF
in DefaultMethodTextGenerator. Is this right? If so how do I go about it?

Or is there another way to bypass std decoders?

Thanks and regards,

--- RLK ---
We do not handle java objects not being a property or a member of a member
container. The problem here is you are  creating a java object. Does this
class "CardPaneContainment" actually exist in the project's classpath, but
you never use it other than as a holder of data temporarily in the model? If
that is true it should not be an IJavaObject, it should an EMF object. You
shouldn't use faked up java instances for storing intermediate model data.
If you are not able to change to EMF object then you will need to debug
through your decoders/helpers and find out why you are getting the errors
and put your own decoders in their place. The problem is you are dropping
somewhere into standard decoders that expect java objects to be in a member
container. You will have to bypass those. I can't help on that. I don't know
codegen well enough. You can't just ignore the messages. It means you are
getting into code that you shouldn't be in for your code pattern. Sorry but
this is beyond me.

I hope this explains my dilemma.

Thanks and regards,



On a ULCComponent we have SF "containment" which holds attributes of the
layout when a component is contained in a container:

<event:Add featureName="eStructuralFeatures">
<addedEObjects xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="containment"
eType="ecore:EClass java:/java.lang#Object"
upperBound="1" changeable="true" unsettable="false"

-- RLK -- I don't know if this is the problem but you shouldn't have
containment="true". ALL of our code expects all java instances to be
contained as either "members" or "properties" in a MemberContainer. If a
property setting is not contained by a member (which is what JCMMethod is),
then I think it will fail.

--- JMM ---
In our case, the JavaInstance that stores the layout attributes does not
have corresponding code. Its attributes map to the arguments of the "add"
methof of the conatiner.

For instance take ULCCardPane.

When we add ULCButton to ULCCardPane we create an IJavaInstance for

class CardPaneContainment {
private String name:
public String getName() { ... }
public SetName(String s) {... }

The value of ULCButton's "containment" SF is set to an instance of
CardPaneContainment which has some "name".
Then, ULCCardPane's "component" SF is set to ULCButton.

The genearted code is as follows:
private ULCCardPane ulcCardPane = null; //
private ULCButton ulcButton = null;

private ULCCardPane getUlcCardPane() {
if (ulcCardPane == null) {
ulcCardPane = new ULCCardPane();
ulcCardPane.addCard("ulcButton", getUlcButton());
// The first arg corresponds to "name" which is stored in the model as
// of CardPaneContainment instance which is set as value of SF
"containment" on ULCButton
return ulcCardPane;

private ULCButton getUlcButton() {
if (ulcButton == null) {
ulcButton = new ULCButton();
return ulcButton;

--- RLK-- Are you generating these directly, or are you using a
RuledCommandBuilder? You should be using a RuledCommandBuilder.

ApplyAttributeSettingsCommand - sets "containment" SF on ULCButton
VCEPresetCommand - SF "component" on target ULCCardPane with value ULCButton
ApplyAttributeSettingsCommand - SF "component" on target ULCCardPane with
value ULCButton

--- JMM : The commands are generated using RuledCommand Builder.

It is during the last ApplyAttrSettingsCommnad that the above warning is
generated. Following is the stack trace:

SimpleAttributeDecoderHelper.generate(Object[]) line: 339
Object[]) line: 210
CodeExpressionRef.generateSource(EStructuralFeature) line: 359
ExpressionRefFactory.createFromJVEModel(Object[]) line: 102
e(EStructuralFeature, BeanPart, Object[]) line: 218
tructuralFeature, BeanPart) line: 231
AbstractMethodTextGenerator$2.isSet(EStructuralFeature, Object) line: 262
or) line: 61
FeatureValueProvider$Visitor) line: 53
AbstractMethodTextGenerator$1.generateFromFeatures(BeanPart) line: 253
es(BeanPart) line: 278
ontent() line: 287
BeanPartFactory.generateInitMethod(BeanPart, IJavaObjectInstance,
CodeMethodRef, String, ICompilationUnit) line: 274
BeanPartFactory.createFromJVEModel(IJavaObjectInstance, ICompilationUnit)
line: 603
BeanDeclModel.lazyCreateBeanInstance(EObject) line: 279
BeanDeclModel.getABean(EObject) line: 298
BeanDecoderAdapter.addElement(Notification) line: 379
BeanDecoderAdapter.notifyChanged(Notification) line: 455
JavaObjectInstance(BasicNotifierImpl).eNotify(Notification) line: 229
EcoreEList$Dynamic(EcoreEList).dispatchNotification(Notification) line: 211
EcoreEList$Dynamic(NotifyingListImpl).addAllUnique(int, Collection) line:
EcoreEList$Dynamic(NotifyingListImpl).addAllUnique(Collection) line: 367
EcoreEList$Dynamic(BasicEList).addAll(Collection) line: 686
ApplyAttributeSettingCommand.execute() line: 92

Thanks and regards,


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