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Re: [ve-dev] AbstractContainerAddDecoderHelper

Dr. Gili Mendel
Software Development
RTP Raleigh, NC
(919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408

"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

12/05/2005 08:15 AM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

"ve-Dev@Eclipse. Org" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[ve-dev] AbstractContainerAddDecoderHelper

Hi VE Team,

AbstractContainerAddDecoderHelper class has changed between VE 1.0 and VE

ULC VE does not use this class but copies its behavior when adding
components to a container.

In VE 1.1, the above class's decode() method calls addComponent().

In this method, the added component is obtained by parsing the code (e.g.

1. Could you please explain what is "smart decoding" and shouldCommit() ?
 Should we also implement ( or copy) this code?

> "smart decode" is a term we use in snippet analysis.  If code has changed (offset, spaces, formattting and such),
> we used to always reDrive the decoder and update the model.
> This caused the target VM to remove/add that node and caused the GUI
> to fliker.
> "smart decode" is where a decoder determines if the "changed code" really needs to updathe the model.  
>  If not, that it will not do anyting.

2. Could you please explain the following code:

  EObject referencedInstance = null;


                                 if (fAddedPart != null){
                                                  referencedInstance = fAddedPart.getEObject();
                                                  referencedInstance = fAddedInstance;

                                 // Update list of references for this _expression_
                                 List references = fOwner.getExprRef().getReferences();
                                 if(referencedInstance!=null && !references.contains(referencedInstance))

This code seems to be new.

>  The CodeMethodRef.addExpressionToSortedList() is the guys that determines where will a new _expression_ (that is added)
>  will be placed withing the init-method.   In 1.1, it will also look at inter dependencies.  i.e., if an
>  _expression_ Ex references bean B, Ex will be place After the decleration/init  _expression_
>  of B.  Hence, a decoder now will collect All of the beans it is
>  dependant on.

3. In VE 1.0, in decode() I was adding the child object to the model by
setting the relevant structural feature
of the container e.g.:

                CodeGenUtil.eSet(fbeanPart.getEObject(), fFmapper.getFeature(null),
fChildBeanPart.getEObject(), -1);

This was about it.

The setting of "_expression_ references Bean" relation ship seems to be new.
Is that so?

> In 1.1 that "value" that you set for that feature (fChildBeanPart) may be a dependency.... Assume that you have an instance
> variable for a Color, C.  If you X.setBackgroundColor(C), than this _expression_ is dependant on the C instance
> and can not come before C is constructed.

I found this out the hard way. Scenario:

1. Drop Table, drop a column in table - works as expected.

2. Do a refresh/reload - the model does not show column, columnBean is
unreferenced and has been deactivated.

> When you press the reload button, VE will not use the cache, and will do a complete reverse parse.
> Need to have more information to understand the problem; is the code all there/

Could you please give some hints about other such major changes in the
CodeGen/_expression_ Decoder?

> Smart decode and references, is the main sementic changes.

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