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[ve-dev] Border Layout implementation not working

Title: Border Layout implementation not working

Hi All,
    We are trying to implement a swing layout in VE 1.1.  We are trying to bring up the borderlayout in our project to learn the flow for implementing a Layout in V.E. I have extracted the source for all the layout support files such as Borderlayouteditpolicy, BorderLayoutSwitcher etc and the BorderLayout from jfc source. The code is compiling and it is able to pick up the layout support classes. But it is not executing properly. I am attaching few snap shots to explain.

In the first snap shot I have used the regular BorderLayout. You can see the panel being selected.
In the second snap shot I have selected a button on the same panel.

I am not able to duplicate the same in my borderlayout implementation.

Next I change the layout to CMyBorderLayout that is a copy implementation of the actual border layout.
You can see in the third snap shot that the component on the panel has vanished.
In the fourth snap I have selected the button from the 'Java Bean View'

In the Fifth I tried to drag another object from the component plaette on to the container. You can see the borderlayout grid helpers visible.

The button is not visible on the container . But it is placed somewhere at the edge (0,0) . Can anybody please tell me ,Where should I start debugging and what could be the problem. There are no error messages in the log.

Thanks in Advance.
Rashmi H.Ramachandra
<<Snapshot1.JPG>> <<Snapshot2.JPG>> <<Snapshot3.JPG>> <<Snapshot4.JPG>> <<Snapshot5.JPG>>

Attachment: Snapshot1.JPG
Description: Snapshot1.JPG

Attachment: Snapshot2.JPG
Description: Snapshot2.JPG

Attachment: Snapshot3.JPG
Description: Snapshot3.JPG

Attachment: Snapshot4.JPG
Description: Snapshot4.JPG

Attachment: Snapshot5.JPG
Description: Snapshot5.JPG

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