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RE: [ve-dev] Unable to see images on Open

Hi Janak,

This is going to be a little complicated, but I think it will handle your problems.

First, I presuming that no matter how many changes are made to the children, only one pack is required for all of the changes. That way we can do one pack only at the end of the transaction.

But first, let me see if I understand your structure (I'm using what I'm guessing are the ULC names, I don't know them exactly):

ULC Beans                Swing Visuals                ComponentManagers (one on client, one on vm)

ULCShell        -------->        JFrame                        ------->        ComponentManager
       |                               |
ULCPanel        -------->        JPanel (content pane)        ------->        ComponentManager
       |                               |
ULCButton        -------->        JButton                        ------->        ComponentManager

If this is correct, then after making a bunch of different changes to the ULCButton, ULCPanel, and ULCShell, then one ULCShell.pack() is needed to get all of this propagated over to the swing visuals.

The way this can be done in an automated way is to use a ComponentManagerExtension on ULCShell. We'll start from the remote vm side and work our way back to the IDE side, explaining the hooks as we go.

Take a look at jfc.vm.WindowManagerExtension. I explain later how this gets hooked in, right now I'll just explain what it does.

        protected void invalidated() {
                if (packOnChange)
                        ((Window) getComponent()).pack();

When this WindowManagerExtension is hooked in correctly for the top-level window (JFrame is an example of a Window), this method will be called once at the end of the transaction. It indicates that the window, or one of its children or grandchildren has been invalidated and it is about to be validated. After this call is returned from, the validation will occur. Validation in awt means to call validate() on the JFrame. You can do something similar, but instead of calling pack on the JFrame, you would call pack on the ULCShell. After the validate() is done, the images are then requested.

This invalidate call is called once at the end of every transaction that had children of the JFrame invalidated (i.e. property settings were made). This is automatic on the vm side. The process is kicked off by doing the revalidateBeanProxy() call on the IDE side when a property is applied or canceled, or during initialization.

The WindowManagerExtension is code that you hook into the ComponentManager. By registering with the ComponentManager the extension can be notified of certain events, such as the invalidated event.  So when done your structure will look like this:

ULC Beans                Swing Visuals                ComponentManagers (one on client, one on vm)

ULCShell        -------->        JFrame                        ------->        ComponentManager --> ULCShellManagerExtension
       |                               |
ULCPanel        -------->        JPanel (content pane)        ------->        ComponentManager
       |                               |
ULCButton        -------->        JButton                        ------->        ComponentManager

Now since the extension doesn't know the ULCShell (it knows the JFrame, not the ULCShell), you need to tell it the shell, so this will be the basic contents of your ULCShellManagerExtension:

public class ULCShellManagerExtension extends ComponentManager.ComponentManagerExtension {

        protected ULCShell ulcShell;
        public void setULCShell(ULCShell ulcShell) {
                this.ulcShell = ulcShell;
        protected void invalidated() {
                if (ulcShell != null)

Now take a look at jfc.WindowManagerExtension to see how it hooks in on the IDE side. The method getExtensionClassname is used to return the name of the manager extension on the vm side. You would return the vm.ULCShellManagerExtension as the classname. primGetExtensionProxy/primSetExtensionProxy will be implemented the same for you as it is here.

Replace the packWindowOnValidate with setULCShell(IProxy ulcShell, IExpression _expression_). And it should call setULCShell on the vm WindowManagerProxy, passing in the IProxy for the ulcShell to the IExpression. This will then setup the vm managerExtension to know the ULCShell to pack.

Now we have both the IDE and VM UCLShellManagerExtensions hooked together. We now look at the WindowProxyAdapter to see how it all gets started. Here is the first hook:

        protected ComponentManager createComponentManager() {
                ComponentManager cm = super.createComponentManager();
                windowManager = new WindowManagerExtension();
                cm.addComponentExtension(windowManager, null);
                return cm;

This hooks in the ide WindowManagerExtension into the window's ide ComponentManager. This will automatically hook in the vm's manager extension when necessary. But we still need to give the manager extension the proxy for the ULCShell. This is done in the primInstantiateBeanProxy method. Here's an example that could be used for ULCShellProxyAdapter:

        protected IProxy primInstantiateBeanProxy(IExpression _expression_) throws AllocationException {
                IProxy result = super.primInstantiateBeanProxy(_expression_);
                windowManager.setULCShell(result, _expression_);
                return result;

And that is it. The extension is now hooked in. Whenever any child of the ULCShell has a propery applied, it calls the revalidateBeanProxy() method. This will then tell the component manager on the vm that the visual is invalid. It also tells all of the parents, up to the JFrame at the top, that they are invalid. Then at the end of the transaction, the component manager for the JFrame is told that it is about to be validated. This will then call the ULCShellManagerExtension.invalidated() method, which will cause your ULCShell to be packed. Thereby moving all of the settings from the ULCBeans to the Swing visuals. After this the validate() is called on the JFrame, and then the images are requested.


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