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[ve-dev] Extending Source Contributor Template

I have a class that implements IVisualClassCreationSourceContributor. I want my JET template that it refers to be something like


public class <%=typeName%> implements XletEventListener


where XletEventListener is one of my interfaces that I want to provide in the generated code. When the code is generated, the “implements XletEventListener” is dropped. For example


public class MyApp extends GearPanel


is generated (where MyApp is the Visual Class I’m adding and GearPanel is the super class/type). What I want to be generated is


public class MyApp extends GearPanel implements XletEventListener


Is there a way I can do this?


Note that I’m using the skeleton,, in my JET template.



Mark S. Millard, Software Architect

Vidiom Systems

(303) 604-0800 x119



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