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[ve-dev] Creating Visual Class using Class Wizard


A question about Class Wizard (I am still using VE 1.0.2.x).


When a BoxLayoutPane is selected from the palette and put on the canavs, the
corresponding model object (JavaObjectInstance) is created using the
prototype URI specified in the palette xmi file.

In the prototypeURI we point to xmi file which define allocation feature for
BoxLayoutPane because BoxLayoutPane constructor takes axis argument, e.g.:

  new ULCBoxLayoutPane(ULCBoxLayoutPane.X_AXIS)

We have defined two palette entries for BoxLayouPane_X and BoxLayoutPane_Y
and we have corresponding xmi files with appropriate arg for allocation.

All this works ok, SO far so good.

Now suppose I put the ULCBoxLayoutPane in the list of classes that can be
created using the class wizard. In the plugin.xml I define extension
newStyleComponent, a category for ULC classes, and VisulaElement for

    <visualElement type="com...ULCBoxLayoutPane">

Now when the visual class is created, it does not use the allocation feature
from the above defined xmi file to create JavaObjectInstance. So we do not
know if the JavaObjectInstance represents BoxLayout_X or BoxLayout_Y.


1. How does the class wizard create JavaObjectInstance?

2. Can the instance creation be controlled in the manner when the widget is
selected from the palette (e.g, using the prototypeURI and specifying
appropriate allocation feature)?

Thanks and regards,


Janak Mulani
Canoo Engineering AG
email: janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx
tel: +91 98200 91274

ULC: Rich Internet Applications for J2EE

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