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[ve-dev] Is it posssible to Communicating between two Views ?

I have started wrting code recently in RCP and i find out that to make a view i have to write a piece of code in plugin.xml file and then i have to start the veiw by calling the following code in
the perspective class(IPerspectiveFactory)...with the following code .
"layout.addView( DirectoryView.ID, IPageLayout.LEFT, 0.25f, editorArea);"
now.. if i was to make another view let say a "TableView" and i want to communicate between the two Views , i have to get the instance of the two views or atleast one View and pass the instance of it to the other view .. but from the above code i dont get the instance .
1.) What i want to know is how do i start a new View from the application ? is there   something like -
"DirectoryView dirView =new DirectoryView();"
2.) Can i start a new View without mentioning it in the plugin.xml file ?

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