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Re: [Fwd: [ve-dev] Extension to Code Generation for JPanel in VE]

Hi Ali,

Sorry we haven't got back to you sooner and thanks for pinging us.  We're very heads down this week on our 3.1 GA driver and we have quite a few things to get working before Friday so we don't have that many cycles, however next week will be wonderful and we'll be able to give you a lot more help.

In the meantime someone on the newsgroup this morning wants to do something that involves manipulating the EMF model (which is what you will end  up doing).  There is a sort of hacked up reply at news://$2pd$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx that covers the basics of how they could add a pop-up menu option that just slams a JLabel on a JPanel.  It might be good to see if you can try to get something like this (that is more simple than your full blown visual refactor) working.  Once you have this working we can cover how to extend this into the scenario you want.

If you can't get this mini-example of how to create a pop-up menu option that adds a JLabel to a JPanel then early next week one of us might just write this as an plugin and check it into CVS as it'd be a nice nugglet to have out there.

Also - if you have a development environment set up try adding breakpoints in the edit policies and getCommand(Request) method in ContainerGraphicalEditPart and debugging what occurs when stuff is dropped from the palette or delete or dragged around to get a feel for how the EMF model is manipulated.

Best regards,


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