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Re: [ve-dev] Re: Using JEM to draw cartoon images of widgets (Rich Kulp)


Actually you won't be using BeanProxyAdapter, ContainerGraphicalEditpart, and such. The only thing you will be using from the jfc plugin is the ComponentManager. All of the other things expect you to have an Jave EMF model, not your own EMF model. You can use those as starting ideas, but you don't use them directly.

What you would do is create your own editparts, and I suggest creating an EMF adapter that implements IVisualComponent. Then your editpart can use ECoreUtil's getAdapter methods to get that EMF adapter. That EMF adapter would use a ComponentManager to handle the image of the component. That adapter would be listening to changes on the EMF objects to then do what it needs to the visual components to reflect those changes.

I would use this for your createFigure():

        public IFigure getContentPane() {
                return getContentPaneFigure().getContentPane();
        protected IFigure createFigure() {
                ContentPaneFigure cfig = new ContentPaneFigure();
                ImageFigure ifig = new ImageFigure();
                if (!transparent) {
                        imageFigureController = new ImageFigureController();                        
                return cfig;

In here, it would be transparent if it was a child figure and the parent had the image (like what we do for AWT/Swing, only the frame would have transparent false because it is the image, and all of the children have transparent true because the image comes from the frame.

Your parent container graphical editpart (a container an editpart that can have children, like we do for frame or panel) would have:

        protected void createEditPolicies() {
                installEditPolicy(VisualComponentsLayoutPolicy.LAYOUT_POLICY, new VisualComponentsLayoutPolicy(false)); // This is a special policy that just
                // handles the size/position of visual
                // components wrt/the figures. It does not
                // handle changing size/position.

The VisualComponentsLayoutPolicy handles the size/position of the children by listening to the children IVisualComponents (which are retrieved through the editpart.getAdapter(IVisualComponent.class) method.

Stay away from using anything else that comes out of the jfc plugin. It won't work for your model. You can use them for templates. A lot of their functions actually come from cde plugin, which you can use.


"Namrata" <namrata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/27/2005 07:30 PM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

[ve-dev] Re: Using JEM to draw cartoon images of widgets (Rich Kulp)

Hi Rich,

Thanks for responding to my queries very patiently. Now I can create the
live visual swing window using the IDERegistration apis. I also understand
how the ComponentGraphicalEditPart fits into the scheme of things.

I understand the use of other objects (BeanProxyAdapter2, ComponentManager,
ModelChangeController, and IImageController). I could not figure out how
these objects are related to each other, and to the editparts.

I have an EMF hierarchical model for my swing components. Lets say that the
container is a Frame object. In a typical GEF application, I will create the
Frame model, and then associate it to a ContainerGraphicalEditPart. Where do
I create the BeanProxyAdapter, ComponentManager etc. and how
do I associate them?

I think the Live visual should be created as soon as the Model object gets
created, using the proxy. Should I store the created proxy in the model
object itself? Where does BeanProxyAdapter come into picture here.

Similarly if I have a control model object and a ControlGraphicalEditPart,
where will the ComponentManager fit in here. I understand now that the
Figure for a control is a transparent rectangle drawn over its cartoon

One more thing -
Will a step by step instructions using IDERegistry, be useful to others ?
I can create one and pass it on.



> Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 12:41:58 -0400
> From: Rich Kulp <richkulp@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> You shouldn't be looking at anything starting with REM. This is an
> internal implementation of the IProxy interfaces for remote vm. You should
> be accessing the proxies through the IProxy interfaces.  As I recall you
> have a well-defined set of visuals and you don't need a java project and
> extension capability, so you can run using the IDE implementation of the
> IProxys. This will be much faster foy you because the visuals will not
> require a remote vm to be started and you won't be forced to be in a java
> project (remote vm proxies require a java project, the IDE implementation
> does not). Look at IDERegistration.createProxyFactory methods.
> IDERegistration is not internal. But the rest of the IDE... stuff is. We
> haven't gotton around to making it API yet.
> REMExpression is an implementation of the IExpression interface. What we
> used to do was use straight IMEthodPRoxy invokes. This is like calling a
> method. The problem is that each invoke requires a round-trip to the
> remote vm. When we built up GUI's this round-tripping added up and slowed
> things down. The _expression_ were used to pipe the invokes to the remote
> vm. What happens is that we don't wait for us response, we just keeping
> pushing commands to the remote vm. Then at the very end we do an invoke,
> and this then waits for all of the previous commands to be invoked and
> returns results.
> It turns out though that expressions on IDE proxies is actually slower
> than using the IMethodProxy invokes. That is because when using IDE
> proxies, it turns around and calls things directly. This is very fast and
> doesn't have the latency problem that the sockets have that are used with
> the remote vm. So if you are IDE it doesn't require expressions for
> performance.
> However, ComponentManager isn't currently written to work without
> expressions. I see now that it might be a good idea to add calls that
> don't require expressions. That would make it faster for you using IDE and
> no expressions.
> Now, the way we connect the EMF model to the live beans is through an EMF
> adapter. This adapter (called BeanProxyAdapter (or BeanProxyAdapter2
> depending on what driver you have, we just recently renamed
> BeanProxyAdapter2 back to BeanProxyAdapter) controls the live bean. It
> hears of changes to the EMF and propagates them to the live beans.
> You can use something similiar but I don't think it needs to be as complex
> because you have a controlled environment. You don't have to handle a wide
> and undetermined range of beans. Your adapter can simply create the
> visual, connect it to the ComponentManager, listen for changes, and update
> the visual. The visual should be accessed through the IDE proxies because
> that is what the ComponentManager expects.
> We also have something called a ModelChangeController. We pipe our command
> stack through this so that only one thread is making changes at time. Plus
> it has a very important added function. You can queue up runnables during
> the execution of the commands that will then be executed at the end of the
> transaction (the command stack execution). This is important because
> things like grabbing images is expensive, so you don't want to do it over
> and over during the execution of the command because of changes happening.
> So the image grabbing is queued up to the end of the transaction and only
> occurs once.
> Rich

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