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Re: [ve-dev] RE: next release of VE

"Janak Mulani" <janak.mulani@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/14/2005 12:01 PM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

Dr Gili Mendel/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
[ve-dev] RE: next release of VE


1. When is the next milestone with fixes for 61944 (see below) expected?

>>>> We are trying to get one together right now. We will be doing a test pass first on it. So, a week, maybe?
>>>> It won't have the final performance changes in it. I'm working on what is called
>>>> batching. This is for communicating with the remote vm in a batch mode instead
>>>> of a back and forth mode. This has caused a huge change (rewrite mostly) of
>>>> the bean proxy adapters. The same concepts as before are there, but instead
>>>> of talking directly to the remote vm, you have to go through an _expression_
>>>> instead. I'll be putting some design info out on the web before I actually
>>>> release this code.

>>>> We had intended to release it last month, but we wanted to have
>>>> an RCP ViewPart working before we had our M1.

2. Do you have any large (many components, complex layout and complex GUI)
Visual classes with Swing components as test cases for the VE? If so from
where can I get them? I would like to open these in VE as they are and
compare the performance with corresponding ULC GUI in ULC VE.

>>>> See this link. It has the performance info collected
>>>> so far and a link to the test case.

3. We have noticed a problem:


- Change field name in the property sheet for a Visual class with say 20
- The parser starts to synch the code and the image.
- While the parser is running, the user saves and closes the VE class.
- A dialog comes up saying a process is running.
- This dialog remains for ever. One cannot close Eclipse, it has to be
- Restart Eclipse - sometime there are problems because the Visual Class
that was closed while
the parser was running is in inconsistent state.

Can the saving and closing of the VE class while the code synch parser is
running be prevented?

>>>> We need to see if we still have this problem. Thanks for mentioning it.
>>>> We don't want to prevent so much
>>>> make sure the parser doesn't go into an infinite wait.

Some additional points:

- It is not possible to rename fields in Pause mode.

>>>> Not through the property sheet because the property sheet
>>>> is also disabled. But you can use standard JDT refactorings
>>>> to do the renames.

- Is it possible to put the VE in pause roundtrip mode while the source code
is being changed in the source editor i.e. the focus is in the source

>>>> Yes, just click on the pause button with your mouse.

Thanks and regards,


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