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Re: Re: [ve-dev] How to add new layout mangers to ve

Hi Tanul,

It has having a problem with reading your plugin.xml. I noticed dashes ("-") on some of the lines in the sample below. Are those lines (or some unreadable character) in your real plugin.xml at those spots? They would make the plugin.xml unparsable.

If those are just an artifact of adding the plugin.xml to the note, then there are other problems too.

- <extension point="org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo.registrations">
- <registration container="MYOBJ_CONTAINER"
- <beaninfo kind="plugin" path="bin/myobjectbeaninfo.jar">
 <searchpath package="com.myobj.custom.beaninfo" />

In here, remove the kind="plugin".  That is obsolete and no longer used. Also, probably your beaninfo jar shouldn't be in a bin directory. During development of your plugin, the bin directory is used for the compiled .class files for your plugin. Typically the bin directory doesn't exist when you deply your plugin. For this to work, your beaninfo jar should be somewhere else in your plugin. I don't know if you are developing your beaninfo jar within the plugin itself, or if you are developing it separately and importing it into the plugin. Either way, make sure that the jar is mentioned in the as a binary output file so that it will be exported for you.

If you are trying to develop the beaninfo's in the plugin development project too, then there are some additional things you need to do for it to work in development mode versus when deployed. We can show you what needs to be done in that case.

Second, you don't need plugin="com.myobj.custom" unless you expect your classes (i.e. the classes that your users will be using, like the layout manager) to also be running in an Eclipse environment. That extra argument tells us that we should use the beaninfo jar if the users project was a plugin developement project, and then needed to use classes form the "com.myobj.custom" plugin.


- <registration
 <override package="com.myobj.custom.layout"

This override should be moved up to the previous registration for your container. The way you have it here says to add your overrides for your layout when the JRE container is in the classpath. But your overrides are only valid when YOUR container (MYOBJ_CONTAINER) is in the classpath.


- <extension point="">
 <palette container="MYOBJ_CONTAINER"
categories="myobjpalette.xmi" plugin="com.myobj.custom" />

As before, you don't need plugin="com.myobj.custom".


- <registration container="MYOBJ_CONTAINER"
 <library runtime="bin/myobject.jar" src=""> prefix="src" />

As before, you probably don't want the jars in the bin directory. That usually is hard to work with.

Finally, I don't see any overrides for the java.awt.Layout class itself. You need to override that to get your layout manager stuff recognized for the property sheet.


tanul sangal <tanulsangal@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/03/2004 03:26 AM

Please respond to

"Jeffrey Myers" <ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Re: [ve-dev] How to add new layout mangers to ve

Hi Jeffrey,
Thanks that was of great help -:)

My plugin without layout managers is running fine on VE 1.0
M1,but as soon as I add override info for layouts in
beaninfo.registration and run my plugin, my pallette loads
without the swing and custom components.

Also the following error messages are shown :

Error parsing plugin manifest file at

Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in:

Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in:

and so on.

Following is my plugin.xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <plugin name="Custom" id="com.myobj.custom" version="1.0.0">
- <requires>
 <import plugin="org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo" />
 <import plugin="" />
 <import plugin="org.eclipse.jdt.ui" />
 <import plugin="org.eclipse.jdt.core" />
 <import plugin="org.eclipse.jdt.launching" />

- <extension point="org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo.registrations">
- <registration container="MYOBJ_CONTAINER"
- <beaninfo kind="plugin" path="bin/myobjectbeaninfo.jar">
 <searchpath package="com.myobj.custom.beaninfo" />
- <registration
 <override package="com.myobj.custom.layout"
- <extension point="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.classpathContainerPage">
 <classpathContainerPage id="MYOBJ_CONTAINER" name="Custom"
- <extension
- <extension point="">
 <palette container="MYOBJ_CONTAINER"
categories="myobjpalette.xmi" plugin="com.myobj.custom" />
- <extension point="">
- <registration container="MYOBJ_CONTAINER"
 <library runtime="bin/myobject.jar" src=""> prefix="src" />


Kindly help me in sorting out the error.

Thanks & Regards

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---- On Thu, 27 May 2004, Jeffrey Myers (myersj@xxxxxxxxxx)

> Hi Tanul,
> The ability to add custom layout managers is a new feature in
VE 1.0
> (should work in M1)... so it hasn't been tested much yet.
Here's some
> instructions, if they don't work, please let us know.
> Note: right now we only support adding layout managers with no
> constructors.  Layout managers with constructors requiring
arguments, such
> as BoxLayout are still handled as special cases requiring more
> 1)
> Assuming you want to add a Swing/AWT layout manager, in your
> create a file  overrides/java/awt/LayoutManager.override (for
SWT this
> would be overrides/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Layout.override)
> 2)
> Look at the existing LayoutManager.override in the same place
in the
> plugin as a guide.
> Copy the top of that override's file, the xmi tag declaration
into your
> file:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi=""
> xmlns:xsi=""

> xmlns:ecore=""
>     xmlns:event="event.xmi">
> Now add an eAnnotation tag to your override:
>   <event:AddMany featureName="eAnnotations">
> 3)
> For each layout you want to add, put in this block of xmi:
>         <addedEObjects xsi:type="ecore:EAnnotation"
> source="">
>                 <details
> key=""
>                         value="java.awt.BorderLayout"/>
>                 <details
>                         value="BorderLayout"/>
>         </addedEObjects>
> Replace the "java.awt.BorderLayout" value with your own custom
> class (fully qualified class name).
> Replace the "BorderLayout" value with the display name you
wish to see in
> the property sheet's cell editor.
> 4)
> Add the closing tags to the end of your file:
>   </event:AddMany>
> </xmi:XMI>
> Save your override file.
> 5)
> Next we need to register with beaninfo to notify it that
you've written an
> override
> Open the plugin.xml for your plugin.
> Add the following extension within your plugin.xml:
>    <extension
>          point="org.eclipse.jem.beaninfo.registrations">
>       <registration
>          <override
>                package="java.awt"
>                path="overrides/java/awt">
>          </override>
>       </registration>
>    </extension>
> Save your plugin.xml.
> Launching the VE with your plugin active should now show your
> layout on the layout property editor for Swing/AWT.  Selecting
it should
> drop an instance of that class with a no argument constructor.
> 6)
> To provide visual feedback and the ability to edit the layout
> requires quite a lot more work.
> First, create an override for your custom layout class.  If
your class is
> called, you'll need to create
the file
> overrides/org/foo/layouts/MyCustomLayout.override in your
> In this file add the following xmi:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <event:AddMany xmi:version="2.0"
> xmlns:xsi=""

> xmlns:ecore=""
>     xmlns:event="event.xmi"
>     featureName="eAnnotations">
>   <addedEObjects
>     <keyedValues xsi:type="ecore:EStringToStringMapEntry"
>   </addedEObjects>
>   <addedEObjects xsi:type="codeGenHelpers:CodeGenHelperClass"
> source="codegen.CodeGenHelperClass"
>      modelled="true"/>
> </event:AddMany>
> Change the value of "
> " to
> "my.plugin/my.plugin.MyCustomLayoutPolicyFactory" (replacing
with real
> plugin/layout names of course)
> 7)
> Now create the MyCustomLayoutPolicyFactory class, extending
> 8)
> Back in your plugin.xml, add an override tag pointing to your
> layout's package.
> Look for where you entered:
>          <override
>                package="java.awt"
>                path="overrides/java/awt">
>          </override>
> And below that, add:
>          <override
>                package=""
>                path="overrides/org/foo/layouts">
>          </override>
> (same package and path used in step 6)
> 9)
> Now to actually implement your desired graphical behavior,
you'll need to
> implement the methods in MyCustomLayoutPolicyFactory.  Your
best bet for
> getting up to speed on how to accomplish this is reading
through the
> existing layout edit policies included with the VE in
Swing/AWT and SWT.
> The class would
> be a good place to start looking.
> If you have questions, please ask here on the dev list or on
the VE
> newsgroup.  If you have feedback or problems with these
> please let me know... once we get the bugs shaken out we'll
probably post
> these instructions as an article in our developer
documentation section.
> Good luck,
> Jeff Myers
> ----------------
> Eclipse Visual Editor Development
> 919-254-9130 - T/L 444, HYSA/501/F121
> IBM SWG at RTP, 3039 Cornwallis Rd, RTP, NC 27709
> Lotus Notes: Jeffrey Myers/Durham/IBM   Internet:
> tanul sangal <tanulsangal@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent by: ve-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 05/27/2004 03:02 AM
> Please respond to ve-dev
>         To:     ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
>         cc:
>         Subject:        [ve-dev] How to add new layout mangers
to ve
> Hi,
> I have a plugin for ve which is adding some of my custom
> components to the ve palette.
> Now I want to add some custom layout managers so that they can
> behave within the ve in the same way as existing layout
> managers.
> Kindly provide me with some input on how can this be achieved.
> Best Regards
> Tanul

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