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RE: RE: [ve-dev] VE API

> I would like to provide you with some details regarding the 
> task i want to achieve.
> I am having a complete set of custom ui component 
> jars/classes. This set includes custom frame, various 
> widgets, layout managers etc.
> Initialy the first thing i would like to achieve is to 
> initiate the visual class using the custom frame and be able 
> to modify it's properties in the property sheet. If the swing 
> JFrame is not initialized that would not be a problem.But 
> would surely like other swing widgets to function.

Have you tried the "Use Bean" dialog?

> I think after that I can look for adding other widgets and 
> can finally proceed for Layout managers which seems to be a 
> more intense task. Kindly tell me  the basic requiremnts for 
> the same. Hope you have got a better idea what i want to do. 
> Sorry for not providing you with all these details at the first 
> moment.

I'll have to defer to some of the other developers on that.


Dave Orme

> ________________________________________________
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> ---- On Tue, 18 May 2004, Dave Orme (DaveO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
> wrote:
> > > Hi Dave,
> > > Thanks
> > 
> > No problem!
> > 
> > > Actually I wasn't to extend Visual Editor so that it can
> > > function using custom ui components like custom buttons, 
> > > layoutmanagers etc. How can this be achieved? Is VE an 
> > > extensible plug-in, if yes then where can I get the details 
> > > for it's extension points? I there any documentation 
> > > available for the same? Where can I find the basic design of
> VE.
> > 
> > Thanks for clarifying.  :-)
> > 
> > There currently is only minimal documentation of VE.  I've
> blogged about it
> > some, but have been in release mode for the past several weeks
> and haven't
> > had a chance to blog for awhile.  My blog is at 
> >  I've been working on
> other
> > documentation, but this will take awhile before it sees the
> light of day.
> > :-(
> > 
> > That said, here's the basic design:
> > 
> > VE generally follows MVC pattern.  The model is implemented
> using EMF
> > because EMF is language-neutral but reflection and JavaBeans
> aren't.
> > 
> > You didn't specify if you are working with Swing/JFC or if you
> are working
> > with SWT, but in either case the interfaces for adding new
> components to the
> > palette are currently being reworked.  On the other hand, UI
> widgets like
> > custom buttons should work today using the "Use Bean" dialog
> even though you
> > won't see them on the palette.  Custom layout managers will
> require more
> > work.  I'll leave it to Joe Winchester or one of the other
> folks here to
> > describe how to do this.
> > 
> > Hope this helps.  For extending VE, you've definitely come to
> the right
> > place!  Glad to have you on-board!
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Dave Orme
> > VEP Project lead.
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > ve-dev mailing list
> > ve-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > 
> > 
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> ve-dev mailing list
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