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RE: RE: [ve-dev] VE API

> Hi Dave,
> Thanks

No problem!

> Actually I wasn't to extend Visual Editor so that it can 
> function using custom ui components like custom buttons, 
> layoutmanagers etc. How can this be achieved? Is VE an 
> extensible plug-in, if yes then where can I get the details 
> for it's extension points? I there any documentation 
> available for the same? Where can I find the basic design of VE.

Thanks for clarifying.  :-)

There currently is only minimal documentation of VE.  I've blogged about it
some, but have been in release mode for the past several weeks and haven't
had a chance to blog for awhile.  My blog is at  I've been working on other
documentation, but this will take awhile before it sees the light of day.

That said, here's the basic design:

VE generally follows MVC pattern.  The model is implemented using EMF
because EMF is language-neutral but reflection and JavaBeans aren't.

You didn't specify if you are working with Swing/JFC or if you are working
with SWT, but in either case the interfaces for adding new components to the
palette are currently being reworked.  On the other hand, UI widgets like
custom buttons should work today using the "Use Bean" dialog even though you
won't see them on the palette.  Custom layout managers will require more
work.  I'll leave it to Joe Winchester or one of the other folks here to
describe how to do this.

Hope this helps.  For extending VE, you've definitely come to the right
place!  Glad to have you on-board!


Dave Orme
VEP Project lead.

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