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RE: [BULK] - RE: [ve-dev] Deveopement on top of VE

Thanks for the information. I was able to build the VEP.
I still have some questions - 
I have my components classes can I create EMF model out of that. If yes
Is there any kind of document or tutorial which can describe steps to do
There are some books available in the market about EMF, will any one of
those be useful for what I am trying to do.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Orme [mailto:DaveO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:00 AM
To: 've-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [BULK] - RE: [ve-dev] Deveopement on top of VE

>  I want to develop a GUI tool using the VE framework which 
> will show my components  in the palette like the SWING 
> components. By components are essentially java beans. Could 
> somebody give me any pointers for how to start.

1) You're already at the right place.  Ask us anything you like; we'll
to help.

2) Make sure you've downloaded and installed the latest VE driver based
M8 (the thing we're testing right now).  [Gili, this is available,

3) There are directions on my blog describing how to install everything
you can hack on VE.  Just jump to for this and
This will hopefully get formalized into a series of articles for the VE
site soon, but for now, this is where you've got to go.

> I want to 
> develop something very similar to the existing VE SWING 
> reference implementation but using my own components. I have 
> only a couple layouts and what I want to generate is not JAVA 
> code but XML. Where can I find documentation for the API of 
> VE? What parts of the VE feature should I use for develop a 
> non-Java code generator? Thanks in advance -Anupama 

I'll leave the specifics of this question for someone else. :-)

But in general, VE uses a pretty strict MVC architecture.  So your code
doing one of the following:

1) Manipulating the model.

2) Keeping a view/editor synchronized with the model.

3) Interfacing with GEF

The model is defined in terms of EMF.  This sounds really hard at first,
until you realize that the EMF stuff is really just a language-neutral
reimplementation of java.lang.reflect.  So it's really just about
learning a
new vocabulary for the stuff you already know how to say using

Your XML code is just a view/editor of the EMF model.  You'll use the
Eclipse editor toolkit to create an XML editor and use model change
from the VEP model to keep your editor synchronized with the VEP model.
Similarly, your XML editor will make changes to the EMF model when
manipulates the XML.

I'm not sure how you will add a new layout manager to VE.  One of the
developers will have to get you started there.


Dave Orme
VEP project lead
ve-dev mailing list

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